GCA.com sold back on 7/15/14 for $90,000. The seller was Glenhaven Capital Associates out of Toronto, Canada. The whois has finally updated and the buyer is Gürallar Yapı a Turkish real estate developer out of Istanbul.
The domain currently does not resolve, the company website is at gurallaryapi.com.
A little about the company:
Gürallar Yapı Malz.ve Kim. San. A.Ş. started business in 1948 within the body of Gürallar Group. The name Gürallar has led the way to the creation of brand values identified with quality and professionalism nationally and internationally by contributing in the social and economical development of Kütahya, the city where it was founded, and environs. As a member of this pioneering family, Gürallar Yapı has realized innumerable major projects ever since its foundation. Among the completed projects, there are Ali Bey Hotels, ArtCraft Factories, various residence and school constructions.
it appears they also bought g-c-a.com, i assume for much, much less.
This will be a very useful comp for one of my domain sales shortly.
Glad to find it!