The Village Voice just covered the new .NYC domain names and quotes Gerardo Aristizabal who runs the domain registrar Hello NYC who predicts that Landrush auctions will produce bids at least to the tens of thousands of dollars,”
“Two or three might reach six figures.”
The blog post is entitled:”Lost Out on Sex.NYC Will Soon Be Available at a Domain Auction Near You”
What isn’t clear in the .NYC roll ou, at least t to me is how the most valuable domain names, usually referred to as reserved domain name, of which you would assume would be one of, will be allocated.
Maybe most .NYC domain names will be available in landrush and therefore the more valuable will be settled by Landrush Auction.
I also haven’t heard what company will be handling the landrush auctions although Mr. Aristizabal makes it sound like his company might.
It should be noted that the Voice starts the article off incorrectly saying that sold for $2.6 Million in 2012 but by the end of the post says it sold for $12 Million.
“”In the scheme of things, most webmasters would regard a .nyc domain as somewhat less valuable than the far more familiar .com or .net domains. But catchy domain names ending in .com or .net are increasingly scarce these days. If you don’t have $12 million lying around for, maybe will do.””
So what do you think Landrush auction produce auctions in the 5 and 6 figures?
Hi Michael,
We will not be running the auctions. This information will be released by the Registry when the Landrush phase officially begins.
Gerardo Aristizabal
It seems odd to pitch .NYC as an alternative to .COM for something as universal as Sex. Shouldn’t the marketing emphasis be more on New York City — playing up local businesses and local pride?
Guess they are proud of their sex in NYC too