Torrent Freak reported that Domains By Proxy, the privacy service from Go Daddy, turned over the personal details of one of their customers. The majority of the 83 comments are taking a lot of shots at Go Daddy, as some think its bogus that Go Daddy uses the word potentially and does not have definitive proof by copyright holder.
As one commenter pointed out, registrants need to understand that a privacy service is not going to accept potential legal risk for a registrant. You need to know what you are purchasing and how the privacy service will protect your identity in any matter.
“Since we were provided with proof the complainant owns a potentially applicable copyright, we have disclosed your identity for the limited purpose of this complaint so that the complainant can communicate directly with you to seek resolution.”
The site owner, who prefers to remain anonymous, was shocked when he received the message. He says his website doesn’t host any copyrighted material and assumed that Domains by Proxy would at least notify him before sharing any personal details.
Soon after the email from Domains by Proxy arrived, the Motion Picture Association reached out to the domain owner, using the name and email address provided by the domain privacy service.
“This Notice requires you to immediately take effective measures to end and prevent further copyright infringement. All opportunities provided by the Website to download, stream or otherwise obtain access to the Entertainment Content should be disabled permanently,” the movie industry group wrote.
“If you fail to take the immediately required action to end and prevent further copyright infringements the MPA and the MPA Members expressly reserve the right to pursue all remedies available,” MPA added.
the Dutch just ruled on pirate-bay for the EU, basicly its futile the judge stated,
so this ruling effects the whole EU.
peer to peer, Thor and other’s love the internet,
great work wiki-leaks,private manning, Edward snowden, for letting the
world what is really going on!
This is a blast from my personal past.
I had a site that was doing everything legitimately. It was humming along fine, and one day GoDaddy got a C&D to reveal the personal details of the owner of the domain. It was a triple whammy, and all in GoDaddy’s favor…
1.) They sold us privacy protection for $8 or $9 per year
2.) Upon receipt of the C&D they removed privacy protection immediately
3.) They then charged us $250 for the legal fees they incurred. Something like “processing fees”
What tremendous service! We take your payment, don’t protect you and then charge you legal fees on top that are baked into our terms and conditions.
What I am even more shocked at, after seeing the C&D it was fundamentally flawed. But there was no hesitation for them to use this as an opportunity to charge us a little extra, because they had to use a letter-opener.
Granted this was 4 years ago or so. But still left a bad taste in my mouth.
I had a feeling a few months ago that Privacy is becoming a “no no” and this really shows me that I/we can forget any kind of privacy BUT for the privacy that you personally can obtain by using an offshore company (in jurisdiction which does not allow computerised records of directors etc etc etc). I also see (have seen) complications coming when UDRP’s are issued against the Privacy service rather than the owner of the domain. It all becomes too complicated and precarious.
Start looking for best jurisdiction for your Offshore company !