According to press release we received, “three well known domain industry leaders have teamed up to launch the registry that will allow users to “register the .com domain names they’ve always wanted!”
Ken Hansen (formerly of Neustar) will lead the new venture as CEO, joining Paul Goldstone (President), and Gregg McNair (Chairman).
Ken Hansen
“When Paul asked me to work with him to build a ‘dream team’ for, I immediately thought of Ken Hansen as our leader.
Today our CEO is among the most respected and savvy operators in the registry space.
Ken’s appointment along with his knowledge and understanding of the opportunity is turning heads in a sea of confusion. To him the solution was so simple and obvious” McNair said.
Gregg McNair
“Sixty-one countries currently offer domain names ending in “co.countrycode” such as and, with registrations for those extensions totaling over 11 million.”
“Additionally, each year over ten million new .com domains are registered. Registry intends to capitalize on this strong demand, and the current lack of available domains, by opening up a new tract of land in .com.”
“The demand for .com names is not going away”, says Hansen. “We intend to meet that demand by offering short memorable domain names ending in .com”.
“The registry will have an open registration policy, meaning that any company, organization or individual will be eligible to register domain names like,, or”
“I couldn’t be more excited with the team and the future of domains, where users will be able to pick the perfect .com domain to fit their online and branding needs,” said Goldstone.”
Paul Goldstone
“ domain names are expected to become available in the first quarter of 2014.”
“Plans call for a “Sunrise Period” for trademark holders, followed by a first-come-first-serve “Landrush Period”.
“Premium domain names like,,, and, are also available.”
Those who wish to receive launch updates and additional details, as they become available, can subscribe to the email list at
The team is attending ICANN Buenos Aires and is also available to meet with registrars interested in becoming distributors of domains. LLC is headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA.
This is venture is which is going right into CentricNic’s wheelhouse.
CentralNic which recently went public sells third level domain names on domains like
This of course may cause a lot of confusion in marketplace between .co domain names since there are also domain names
Paul –
I was signed up – but was unable to attend the last TRAFFIC in Florida – so it has been over a year ….
Did you cut your hair ?
Hey Brian!
Sorry I missed you but there are lots more events coming up!
No, I didn’t cut my hair… that’s my much better looking brother 😉
It’s exciting times and I can’t wait to fill you in more.
could not ask the same question of triple g 🙂
cangrats on a great effort guys
I like this one
Good for you – congrats! might just be desirable based on strength and good name of its founders:
Paul Goldstone
Ken Hansen
Greg McNair
Great team there.
““register the . com domain names they’ve always wanted!””
dot com?
“This of course may cause a lot of confusion in marketplace between .co domain names since there are also domain names”
Also let’s not forget the . com. co (Dot com Dot Co) the much preferred extension by the locals in Colombia.
selling sub-domains as domains is pretty lame.
“register the . com domain names they’ve always wanted!”
I am pretty sure the .COM someone always wanted was the .COM, not a confusing subdomain.
.COM.CO – Colombia original ccTLD.
.CO – Colombia ccTLD rebranded as generic.
.CO.COM – Subdomain of a being sold as an extension.
Good luck with the confusion there.
Brad –
Of course we are on the same sheet as usual.
But this is all about selling domains – this is NOT about selling domains that will ever be used – except for maybe 1% lets say.
So how do you get confused about something that will never get used.
These guys are all fiking smart dudes and will make dough on a 13th phone bill every year
Hello MHB,
This could not be a better testimony to the original .COM Franchises.
Just as knockoff rolex Watches have sent more business to the original Brand, so this introduction solidifies the .COMs Strategic Market Position.
It has been proven over and over again that online consumers who are confused go on auto pilot and instictively check out the .COM Franchise Address.
Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
“register the .com domain names they’ve always wanted!”
I can’t believe it, finally I can register Is this serious or is today April 1st.
Should’ve just sold at any auction and start a smarter business.
Hi Ken, Gregg & Paul:
cc FBI, NTIA, Commerce Sec, ICANN Ombudsman, Whois Expert & ICANN Council of Record:
Unless ICANN put your DOMAIN NAME into the IANA Root Directory, you should “KNOW” that your Infringing the “.com ~ Mark’s in Use” like, within the State of Virginia!
That’s a State’s Law trademark Violation, as VeriSign the “.com” Registry [Capital R] is there!
Ask the USPTO; and they’ll explain the relevance of “continuous and systematic contact with forum State” as it relates to the foundation requirements of a full “Registered” Trademark in the United States … like mine.
Hopefully before your unscrupulous efforts “harm American consumers” through exposure to Infringers, Frauds & Counterfeits, made Contributory, by YOU, I sincerely hope that you suspend your investment in this racketeering enterprise.
The Domain Name registry for “” is YOUR OWN BUSINESS, see address below; and the Rules from flaccid ICANN state, that a Registry can’t be it’s own registry. Top Level, Second Level, Third Level and so on.
Your Domain Name registry for “” is:
DomainIt, Inc.
9891 Montgomery Road, #225
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Registrant, LLC Hostmaster
9891 Montgomery Rd. #225
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Phone: +1.513-351-4222.
FYI – CentralNic are not free of my pursuit yet! Consult with Scott S. Harris, Clerk by S. Elliott at 202.479.3025, who will inform you that they’re anticipating my [ detailed & formatted ] Filing under Rule 20, which thanks to Rule 14(5) allows me until early February to submit.
The “Sunrise” crap that CentralNic conjured up, is at it’s core, a RACKET … which is a CRIME; and a crime herein duly reported, as per the Cc Line.
Graham Schreiber, Pro Se.
Hello MHB,
Here is a prime example of your pumping Buzz for gTLDs (Shameless)
R. E. = ” Partners With CentralNic To Beat New gTLDs To The Starting Line – on CentralNic and Ink Deal ”
You allow a link like this fabricating the hollow gTLD lies you support, even after knowing the litigation in process that will blow apart the whole experiment! The following statement above completely negates the legitamacy as follows :
R. E. = ” Hi Ken, Gregg & Paul:
cc FBI, NTIA, Commerce Sec, ICANN Ombudsman, Whois Expert & ICANN Council of Record:
Unless ICANN put your DOMAIN NAME into the IANA Root Directory, you should “KNOW” that your Infringing the “.com ~ Mark’s in Use” like, within the State of Virginia!
That’s a State’s Law trademark Violation, as VeriSign the “.com” Registry [Capital R] is there!
Ask the USPTO; and they’ll explain the relevance of “continuous and systematic contact with forum State” as it relates to the foundation requirements of a full “Registered” Trademark in the United States … like mine.
Hopefully before your unscrupulous efforts “harm American consumers” through exposure to Infringers, Frauds & Counterfeits, made Contributory, by YOU, I sincerely hope that you suspend your investment in this racketeering enterprise.
The Domain Name registry for “” is YOUR OWN BUSINESS, see address below; and the Rules from flaccid ICANN state, that a Registry can’t be it’s own registry. Top Level, Second Level, Third Level and so on.
Your Domain Name registry for “” is:
DomainIt, Inc.
9891 Montgomery Road, #225
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Registrant, LLC Hostmaster
9891 Montgomery Rd. #225
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Phone: +1.513-351-4222.
FYI – CentralNic are not free of my pursuit yet! Consult with Scott S. Harris, Clerk by S. Elliott at 202.479.3025, who will inform you that they’re anticipating my [ detailed & formatted ] Filing under Rule 20, which thanks to Rule 14(5) allows me until early February to submit.
The “Sunrise” crap that CentralNic conjured up, is at it’s core, a RACKET … which is a CRIME; and a crime herein duly reported, as per the Cc Line.
Graham Schreiber, Pro Se.
905.637.9554. ”
All we can say is that you are a real piece of art !
Your 99.9999 % accuser of BS that comes from your blog!
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
First of all is NOT a new gTLD no one said they were
Send I published the PR from the company and the announcement, just like many other blogs in the space did including, and
Second by publishing a press release, neither I or any other blogger or any newspaper or other publication is “pumping” something.
Thirdly , CentralNic which is a public company has been doing the same business model for many many years and to my knowledge has not been the subject of any enforcement action
Hello MHB,
All three of your rebuttals are lame, no need to try to refute aimless BS.
There will be a congressional response to Sunrise, and many of the Knockoffs like and other collision experiments ICANN has unleashed in their Pandoras Box of creations, very similar to the CMO Dereivatives debacle. You are playing with fire knowingly. Just because you are an attorney, does not preclude you from getting your dick knocked into your watch pocket.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
the most painful part of reading Jeffs posts is seeing them still get responded to. the guy is batshit insane and probably not even a real person. an experiment of ICANN? wtf????
the person is obsessed over talking about things he doesnt even know ANYTHING about. the only people that do this are BORED AS HELL or have mental issues. like for real, no joke, mental problems.
i’d really like to know which one it is. if the person has real mental problems i feel bad making fun of him. but my god, read the posts… ill be really glad when he finds a new obsession.
every other post on every blog i can at least read and understand what the person is trying to say. even that domenclature person, to some degree..
Hello MHB,
Your readership, cheerleading squad, contains nameless GoogleBots or worse. Nameless entities with no credibility. You used to present both sides of a subject only to come to this? Whats up? Are there any readership followers who really believe all this Media Hype of the last innumerable months of Media Belt Hype on this Blog? This Blog is now carrening out of control and fast approaching an Industry joke.
Grab the wheel and steer this ship away from the reef before you have no ship to steer. Knowones believing you anymore.
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Jeff, nobody ever believed you. everyone on every blog thinks you have mental problems and nobody wants to be associated with you. you’re a laughing stock to EVERYONE. how do you not see this?
do you boycott TV channels that advertise products? the first 15 seconds of youtube videos? the whole idea that somebody is “pumping” something just because its posted on a blog is something a little kid would come up with.
click your heels together 3 times and mumble some more of your crazy babble – gTLD are not going away and they fall in the category of “domains”
do you get it? since this is a DOMAIN BLOG, pretending something doesnt exist isnt going to make them disappear.
watch whats happening, listen to whats being said, comment like a sane person.
or continue to think you’re like the .COM superman when your flagship domain “” is the most laughable, joke of a domain anyone wishes they could sell.
you cant even form real sentences with real words.
Thank you ontheintersanctum, for bringing attention to the following previous post by an attorney on the other side of the table of MHB.
R. E. = ” Graham Schreiber permalink
Hi Ken, Gregg & Paul:
cc FBI, NTIA, Commerce Sec, ICANN Ombudsman, Whois Expert & ICANN Council of Record:
Unless ICANN put your DOMAIN NAME into the IANA Root Directory, you should “KNOW” that your Infringing the “.com ~ Mark’s in Use” like, within the State of Virginia!
That’s a State’s Law trademark Violation, as VeriSign the “.com” Registry [Capital R] is there!
Ask the USPTO; and they’ll explain the relevance of “continuous and systematic contact with forum State” as it relates to the foundation requirements of a full “Registered” Trademark in the United States … like mine.
Hopefully before your unscrupulous efforts “harm American consumers” through exposure to Infringers, Frauds & Counterfeits, made Contributory, by YOU, I sincerely hope that you suspend your investment in this racketeering enterprise.
The Domain Name registry for “” is YOUR OWN BUSINESS, see address below; and the Rules from flaccid ICANN state, that a Registry can’t be it’s own registry. Top Level, Second Level, Third Level and so on.
Your Domain Name registry for “” is:
DomainIt, Inc.
9891 Montgomery Road, #225
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Registrant, LLC Hostmaster
9891 Montgomery Rd. #225
Cincinnati, OH 45242
Phone: +1.513-351-4222.
FYI – CentralNic are not free of my pursuit yet! Consult with Scott S. Harris, Clerk by S. Elliott at 202.479.3025, who will inform you that they’re anticipating my [ detailed & formatted ] Filing under Rule 20, which thanks to Rule 14(5) allows me until early February to submit.
The “Sunrise” crap that CentralNic conjured up, is at it’s core, a RACKET … which is a CRIME; and a crime herein duly reported, as per the Cc Line.
Graham Schreiber, Pro Se.
yes, Jeff… saw it the 1st time it was posted.
then the 3 times you posted it after that, in the same thread.
you’re a spammer.
Hi Brad, Brian & ICANN’s Ilk.
If only 1% of CentralNic’s subdomains are used, might that mean that 99% are “defensive registrations” which very much equals Racketeering**.
To bad for CentralNic …
Their 1% client who currently does … “have an affect on American consumers” using my DILUTED .com Domain Name & Virginia based Mark & USPTO TM is the ONE person whom CentralNic should have executed their own termination rules upon; because unlike Coca Cola, Cisco, Zippo etc, they’ve come across the Business owner & Pro Se they didn’t foresee.
CentralNic aren’t the “fiking smart dudes” they like to think they are, nor is WIPO!
WIPO is about to confront the United States Supreme Court, under Rule 20; and be obliged to explain why was permitted to “fall between the cracks” and get protection from WIPO. Sadly WIPO have not furnished the sort of “Leadership” the NTIA desired!
CentralNic are Contributory Infringers, along with Network Solutions!
With this, the “Lockheed Martin Corp. v. Network Solutions Inc.” case won’t protect either VeriSign or Network Solutions, as IS NOT an ICANN Accredited ccNSO / ccTLD in the IANA Root. It’s a Domain Name, subject to un-enforced RAA and the US Law 15/1125.
Network Solution & VeriSign both violated their own rules, as published in their own Terms of Use, by letting a Domain Name Holder ~ their own client, masquerade as a ccTLD, veraciously diluting the .com TLD.
ICANN’s now obliged under ATRT to become more accountable; and accept liability for their “Causation” to my Contributory & direct Infringements! So, who better to enforce such accountability than the United States Supreme Court!
I’ve just returned from DC, acclimatizing myself with the surroundings and …Yes, the long promised Rule 20 Filing is again on it’s way, after two (2) VERY gracious returns for improvement(s) are done, as requested by the Supreme Court.
Cheers, Graham.
Racketeering** “A racket is a service that is fraudulently offered to solve a problem, such as for a problem that does not actually exist, will not be affected, or would not otherwise exist. Particularly, the potential problem may be caused by the same party that offers to solve it, although that fact may be concealed, with the specific intent to engender continual patronage for this party.”