The Heritage Domain Name Auction Site Is Live and the reserves on a lot of domain names seem very reasonable
Here are some of the domain names in the auction with reasonable Reserves
Cheap two letter .com
$100,000 reserve
Opening Bid $50,000
Multi-billion dollar category. Degrees, jobs etc.
40,000 exact searches.
$95,000 reserve
$95,000 Reserve
$10,000 reserve.
Very high PPC and great for lead gen.
$75,000 reserve, site included.
Last sold for $300,000
$5000 reserve
$2000 reserve
$15,000 reserve / /
Reserve $3500 each /
Reserve $4500 each /
No reserve on either
Reserve $2500
Massive industry.
This will turn domainers off–>
Buyer’s Premium per Lot: 15% of the successful bid
So if I win a $10K domain, I have to pay an extra $1500 to the auction house for the great chance to buy a domain in a 20 day auction, ughh Aaron you dropped the ball on this one, charge it on the sellers backend, leave the buyer untouched, or 1% at best.
turn domainers off… i think that’s the idea. time to end the clusterf*ck of domainers selling back and forth and bring the business out into the real world and see if it flies.
soon to follow the ‘8 track’ road…
streaming is it!
OK RATHEAD, just because you have a mancrush on Rick S, does not mean you have to talk like him, or steal his quotes.
End users buy on a one to one need basis, there is not enough liquidity in domains to count them as everyday investments, they are not mainstream enough to trade as stocks, or what not.
If any of the names do sell, it might be auction house execs, or domainers that will end up buying them. Very few end users are going to come to roost at this auction, this is the business, it is a waiting game, if you think you can consistently flip 5-6 figure domains on a weekly basis, not happening.
Look at the Costello Brothers, very well funded domainers, owning a single premium keyword, they only got $100K for it, from a Billion dollar Canadian bank, who had already chosen to use it as their brand many months back.
Just like the new GTLD’s are going to be early funded by domainers, they are expecting the same from this auction. The only thing that will sell are the no reserve, or low reserve’s as they can be easily auctioned, and sold between domainers, even though most of the letter combinations are brutal.
In the real world, auction houses outside of domain auctions have always charged a buyers premium, like and and they sell $50M dollar paintings and collectibles.
Domain auctions to date have not charged a buyers premium but that is the exception not the rule
Hello MHB,
We have corresponded with Aron recently, and he has expressed his excitement at this historic opening of a new portal to affluent Intelectual Properties Collectors.
A Perfect Storm Surprise is ahead for all !
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
@RJ… well at least you’re making a reasoned response to my drunken rant. i’ma gonna award you two points for that. but the costello brothers? are you a talkin’ about lou or bud and i’ma wonderin’ who’s on first? i’ma pushin’ this auction ’cause i got a couple of names in it and i’m hopin’ to to be able to upgrade my brand of cheap vodka.
I understand auction houses like Ritchie Bros etc.. actually charge both buyer, and seller, but by a domainers nature, why bid up a reserve auction, as can wait till it ends, do a whois lookup, and contact the buyer directly if domain goes unsold, as many of these will. A few of the lower priced ones, and the 3L will sell, maybe even the… other than that, you need very select buyers that need a few weeks to get the approval through various departments if you are talking corporate buyers.
Thank you, for the response, you have proved my point.
I’m sure the whole point of using a “real” or major auction house is to bring domain names to end user buyers.
I don’t think Aron got Heritage to do this auction to only wind up getting domainers as buyers.
If all the domains in this auction are bought by Domainers i don’t think Aron or Heritage will consider it a huge success, having said that and the above i do want to point out I don’t have a horse in this race, I have nothing to do with Aron business or Heritage or this auction and don’t even have a domain name in the auction.
Just watching.
Hello MHB,
We are just watching also, as are many others outside the Domaining Industry, due to the promotion being done.
This particular auctions success or non success will have no bearing on this new Chapter of the public being exposed to Collectable Domain Intellectual Properties. Sooner or later All Auction Houses will welcome these one of a kind Digital Treasures. COUNT ON IT
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Looks like these auctions reach outside of the ‘inbred’ domainer community, finally. 😀
Incidentally, it’s the Castello Brothers, bro, like the castle.