30 more new gTLD applications passed Initial Evaluation (IE) today by ICANN.
In all 245 new gTLD applications out of the first 300 reviewed have passed IE.
Some of the applications passing IE today included Microsoft’s application for .xBox; Amazon’s application for .Cloud, .Fire, .Deal and .Room; .Thai, the brand application for one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies .Merck; Uniregistry application’s for .Cars and .Art and Virgin Enterprises Brand application for .Virgin
Merchant Law Group LLP which applied for 8 new gTLD’s, had its first application to clear Initial Evaluation for .News
how is gonna use all these TLD , and how the owners are gonna maintain them ?
sorry I wanted to say “who is gonna use these TLDs ?”
F.Virgin that a good one
dot BS is still the best.
Hello MHB
Often the simplest answers are the best ones, someting Rick Schwartz covered recently.
When it comes to Online Marketing, that depends on Human response in the its simplest form ,many Tech and Ad people miss the human side of Online Marketing basic facts.
Consumer Human response will render gTLDs useless because they will only transact on trusted .COM sites.
They may happen onto a gTLD site and find it of interest but when it comes to pulling out their wallet they click on a .COM site to make their purchases.
Its tough to fight Human response.
Often the Simplest Answers are the Best answers / OCCAMS RAZOR
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
Hello Everyone,
Being Marketing Analysts ourselves, We collectively figured the gTLD Marketing angle immediately.
From a Marketing standpoint,the gTLDs are designed specifically to Market Traffic back to the applicants (.COM Profit Centers )
A Question you may ask yourselves is why would you purchase a gTLD if you did not already own the (.COM Profit Center ) ? ?
Gratefully, Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)
LudovicThailand wrote:
> who is gonna use all these TLD , and how the
> owners are gonna maintain them?
Your question reminds me of the story, “The Emperor’s New Clothes”.
Just play along, unless you want to appear stupid.
The perfectly tailored Marketing tool to attract the largest Marketing Demographic is NOT the .Whatevers.
The largest richest Marketing demographic is the Baby boomers.
The Baby Boomers are firmly entrenched purchasers on (.COM Profit Centers ).
Trying to fight this powerfull Demographic is like trying to
(–iss up a rope )
Occams Razor !
Gratefully, Jeff schneider (Contact Group) (Metal tiger)
Hello MHB,
Is anyone wondering why so many secondary market sales are .COM Profit Centers?
You hardly ever see .whatever sales which are far and few between.
The mere fact that major players the gTLD applicants have chosen to try out Pure Play Generic markers = gTLDs to try to market Traffic back to their .COM Profit centers tells you that they know the power of Generic pure play Marketing Tools.
The catch twenty 22 for them is they do not control the .COM Pure Play Generics ,someone else controls these powerfull devices, it could be you, if you play your cards right. Whats the difference ? their right of the dot is not what consumers will trust to transact on? Is the picture getting clearer here?
Gratefully , Jeff Schneider (Contact Group) (Metal Tiger)