The ICANN comment section for the new gTLD program has logged over 3,000 comments today and now totals over 11,000 comments
We are trying to keep up with the more important and interesting comments posted by groups, company’s and individual’s from all over the world on the new gTLD program.
Many organizations seem to be weighing in at the last moment including the, The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), the Free Speech Coalition (FSC), The American Hospital Association,
Company’s are also commenting on the program and specific applications or strings including eBay, Manwin the owners of
We will keep you updated as the comment period closes later tonight.
How in the world is ICANN going to vet all these apps???
How are they going to decide which are legitimate complaints and deny the application (and thus the app fee)???
Are we going to be left with .Ninja and no other new gTLD?