is releasing a press release this morning entitled “An Inside Look at the Technology Driving DomainPower’s Revenues” whcih contains some example of increased performance on monetization.
Here you go:
We released DomainPower’s Monetization Decision Engine (MDE) in January of 2012, and since then have continued to implement a series of improvements that has positioned it as one of the industry’ fastest growing parking solutions.
Recently, we published a PDF that peels back the curtain to give current and future customers a deeper look into DomainPower. We reveal how and why DomainPower’s MDE works, and illustrate its performance by highlighting performances across four distinct portfolios. The growth in these highlighted snapshots is marked, and they represent the type of performance DomainPower can deliver.
This growth and performance are fueled in large part by the science and technology behind the platform, but also by our team of dedicated analysts, growing advertiser relationships and our platform users. The data we receive allows our analysts to look for improved monetization, which opens the door for new advertising relationships. It is a circuitous optimization process, where each component and business decision positively impacts the entire engine. Ultimately, what proves whether we are on the right track is how much revenue we are generating for our customers.
The Portfolios
The highlighted portfolios were chosen for two different reasons. The first, and most obvious reason, is their performance on DomainPower relative to where they were previously parked. The second is that each portfolio’s composition is representative of the different types of names domain portfolio owners target as they build their businesses.
To read the first two pages, you can also Download the entire PDF as well.
Before: Portfolio 1 was on a parking platform that used a leading paid search network as its primary monetization option. Zero-click advertisers were reserved for domains blocked by the paid search network, regardless of whether or not the zero-click advertisers could outperform the paid search network on unblocked names.
Portfolio Makeup: Portfolio 1 had a high volume of specific niche search terms that were highly marketable to zero-click and other direct advertisers.
Optimization Method: The MDE was free to pass traffic to zero-click and direct advertisers without restriction.
Before: Portfolio 2 was on a platform using a leading paid search network with no other monetization options available.
Portfolio Makeup: The portfolio was a mixed bag of names bought on drop based solely on historical traffic.
Optimization Method: Optimization was achieved by diversifying advertising options (Direct-to-Advertiser, Zero-Click) in addition to relying solely on a leading paid search network.
Before: Portfolio 3 was on a parking platform with two leading paid search networks – Provider 1 and Provider 2. Traffic would route to Provider 2 only after it was determined Provider 1 had blocked a domain’s traffic, regardless of which monetization option might produce the highest yield.
Portfolio Makeup: High-value premium generic short-tail keyword domain names.
Optimization Method: The MDE measured high demand for short-tail keyword domains from direct advertiser and zero-click partners, and thus produced a significant lift.
Before: Portfolio 4 was on a parking platform that used a leading paid search network as its primary monetization option with secondary monetization options.
Portfolio Makeup: Wildcard Traffic (e.g. Leased Subdomains, 404 Traffic from webhosts)
Optimization Method: The MDE was able to dynamically categorize the domain at a more granular level to optimize the traffic.
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They are a wonderful team and future holds well imo. But mainly as domain brokers imo.
Solid brokers and founders. Raised funds. Great and big league.
Very short and specific examples.
Still not convinced one bit., are crushing it and showing results. Quality companies.
So Mike, how is your revenue performance?
Same, better, or worse than before?
Looking for reviews from domainers who’ve tried them.
Don’t find any.
I agree with SF. No domainer anywhere has come forward saying they are bad or good yet.
I’d like to see some testimonials as opposed to them only putting out their figures, even though I commend them for doing so.
In example #3 they say:
“Portfolio Makeup: High-value premium generic short-tail keyword domain names.”
Example #3 has a previous RPM of $11.68 , they say.
Premium, high-value, generic short-tail keyword domains???????????????
Why only $11.68 before? That is pathetic. And, it only ends up at $16.88 ??? Sheesh!!!
The RPM , if the domains are great as they say, should probably be 50 RPM or higher. At I’m at something close to 70 RPM with zero optimization.
Where do they find these trashy portfolios that have such low RPM figures???
I am at about 90 RPM at, even that I think can be improved many times over. My portfolio is mainly high paid commercial keywords and lots of long tail domains.
@ Leopold
Longer the keyword group in the domain, higher the click values in general such as:
Detroit car insurance
Personalized Health Insurance Plans
The reason for high click values or high RPM is that these domains are highly pre-qualified to send a very specific type of traffic to the advertiser.
The reason those “short” premium domains have low RPM is because they get general traffic, not very specific.
Not necessarily RK ….. depends on the quality, but I agree that’s true overall about longtail.
Any way you look at it the RPM should be much higher for great, high-value, short generics.