The domain name at issue was owned by the complainant and dropped. Domain Asset Holdings picked to domain name off the drop on the same day
Here are the facts and findings of the panel
“Complainant’s prior registration of the Domain Name expired on October 6, 2011.”
“Complainant inadvertently failed to renew the Domain Name’s registration at that time because the administrative contact details had listed a former employee. On that same day, Respondent registered the Domain Name.”
“Complainant’s business, Lifetime Assistance, Inc., commenced operating in Rochester, New York in 1978, providing housing, boarding, personal care, and vocational employment services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Complainant’s mission is to help developmentally disabled individuals become self-reliant and independent members of their respective communities.”
“Complainant is the owner of the US trademark registration No. 3,912,742 for LIFETIME ASSISTANCE, with a date of first use in 1978. Complainant has continuously used this mark since commencing operations in 1978, and now operates more than 50 facilities in and around Rochester, New York, serving 1800 people daily.”
“Complainant has used the domain name <> continuously since March 1999 and operates a website linked to this domain name.”
“”Complainant contends that Respondent’s use of the Domain Name is nothing more than an effort to divert traffic from Complainant’s website and/or interfere with Complainant’s business. The website to which the Domain Name resolves frames another site, <>, which sells books about “making millions” and contains advertising links to third-party websites, none of which are sponsored by or affiliated with Complainant.””
“”Some of the links on the website refer to various charities or non-profits and Complainant urges that users might be confused into believing they are affiliated with Complainant. “”
“”Respondent does not anywhere on its website use the term “Lifetime Assistance”.””
“”Instead, the website contains an upper and lower banner indicating the Domain Name is for sale. Thus, according to Complainant, the Domain Name is not being used in connection if a bona fide offering of goods or services or for legitimate fair use purposes. Additionally, Complainant states that the connection to the framed webpage and links to third-party websites diminishes and tarnishes Complainant’s pre-existing goodwill in its trademark. Moreover, Respondent’s use of the Domain Name prevents Complainant from using its LIFETIME ASSISTANCE trademark in connection with a “.com” domain name.””
“”Complainant states that it contacted Respondent in attempt to repurchase the Domain Name in October 2011.”
“However, Respondent indicated that the purchase price was USD 30,000, while Complainant offered USD 3,000 in an attempt to resolve the matter quickly. “”
“”Respondent rejected all of Complainant’s offers. In early November, Complainant provided notice of its trademark rights to Respondent and followed with a request that Respondent cease using the Domain Name and transfer it to Complainant. Respondent failed to respond to the Complainant’s communications and Complainant states it thus had no choice but to commence this case. Complainant highlights that Respondent has a history of registering domain names in bad faith, requiring their transfer.””
“”The Panel finds that Complainant has made out a prima facie case satisfying each of the required elements under the Policy, while Respondent has failed to contest any of the Complainant’s allegations. ”
“The Domain Name is identical to the LIFETIME ASSISTANCE trademark in which Complainant has rights. ”
“Complainant has made out that Respondent, with its very recent and unauthorized registration of the Domain Name after the Complainant prior registration inadvertently lapsed, has not established any right or legitimate interests in the Domain Name. ”
“Finally, Complainant has made out that Respondent registered and is using the Domain Name in bad faith.”
“Respondent registered the Domain Name virtually immediately after Complainant’s registration lapsed, while any trademark or Internet based search would have easily disclosed Complainant’s trademark rights and long-established use of the Lifetime Assistance term.”
“Moreover, Respondent used the Domain Name in connection with a parked website, while demanding USD 30,000 for sale of the Domain Name to Complainant and rejecting Complainant’s offer of USD 3,000. In view of this showing, and taking into account that Respondent has not disputed Complainant’s allegations and has been found to have violated the Policy in previous cases, the Panel finds in favor of the Complainant.”
7. Decision
For the foregoing reasons, in accordance with paragraphs 4(i) of the Policy and 15 of the Rules, the Panel orders that the Domain Name <> be transferred to the Complainant.
Mike Mann can banter on about helping humanity, but when it comes down to it, he is typically a shrewd businessman with little moral integrity, trying to fleece whoever he can.
“Complainant’s business, Lifetime Assistance, Inc., commenced operating in Rochester, New York in 1978, providing housing, boarding, personal care, and vocational employment services for individuals with developmental disabilities. Complainant’s mission is to help developmentally disabled individuals become self-reliant and independent members of their respective communities.”
“”Complainant states that it contacted Respondent in attempt to repurchase the Domain Name in October 2011. However, Respondent indicated that the purchase price was USD 30,000, while Complainant offered USD 3,000 in an attempt to resolve the matter quickly. “”
“”Respondent rejected all of Complainant’s offers” GREED KILLS!
“Greed Kills” – Business is greed any way you look at it. You can easily make a case that 3K is also greed on a 10$ purchase. No, greed doesn’t kill. Greed makes the world go ’round.
Complainant is the owner of the US trademark registration No. 3,912,742 for LIFETIME ASSISTANCE, ……………
He should have known better.
What a bunch of wankers, this is the first I knew of the situation or domain. Should I personally remember disposition of 350,000 domains? This is blatantly a generic domain that we have title to it sounds like to me, and you’d be hard pressed to find anyone you know more beneficial to the suffering of charities.
Right Mike. It was a script that caught the name, we know. Then you have that automated rejection email response, we know. You are totally innocent, we know. The facebook names a charitable donation, we know. You are lilly white, we know. You are a disgrace. sold on SnapNames today for $10,500. The term “Free Credit Report” is a TM. Those who don’t do the research will end up picking up TM domains.
@Mike Mann – No need to respond to the trolls.
I am guilty of buying a generic domain that was deleted, be an idiot about it some more, I told you I didnt know anything about this until today, I have other work surprisingly to those time wasting jealous wankers
this one was very generic, thousands of trademarks are registered a though
thousands of trademarks are registered a day though by others, what are you doing about that?
Dude (Mike) you got the domain on a drop, it cost you what? You could have accepted the $3,000 made a quick flip, helped out this organization that is doing a great service for disabled people. You would have made an easy few bucks and walked away smelling like a rose with a clean conscious. Instead you let greed get the best of you and in the end lost. Greed Sucks!
Those look like awfully generic words to me…
Assuming he wasn’t playing the “” game, seems like he may have gotten screwed with a bad UDRP decision.
I told you I didnt even know about the case until you astute professionals started flaming me for no reason today.
I didn’t even know about this until someone shared a link on FaceBook. The name is very very generic…it’s almost like ‘lifetime warranty’. Losing UDRP is not the end of the world. Many in this industry have been through it and counting…
Let’s close the chapter and move on, shall we?
Seems generic to me.
Now that I have researched, I know that we offered them the domain for free and network solutions and icann screwed it up like usual.
It’s not about whether the name is generic or not. Those wise and compassionate enough will learn a valuable lesson here. Those who don’t see the bigger picture are doomed to repeat history. My work is finished here.
Of course, not all domainers are happy with the competition originating from Domain Asset Holdings who are willing to outbid others by paying high amounts to auction houses like namejet or snapnames. Myself included :). But we should respect Domain Asset Holdings and their business model… If they are willing to pay high for a domain and trying to sell the same for $30,000 – let it be so. So strange to see some comments in this thread…
Of course (repeated) UDRP responses from Domain Asset Holdings to various complaints in the way “let the complainant have it” are somewhat unusual. Again, Domain Asset Holdings must have a reason to respond this way instead of defending their regs of generic domains. Would be interesting to understand their reasons though.
screening your portfolio for trademarks is next to impossible.
either the domainer doesn’t care or he would rather wait and see what happens. maybe a udrp never gets filed… or maybe it does.
the question is what sort of ads is the domainer’s parking agent showing?
if they are ads aimed at the trademark registrant’s registered classes of products/services, then we can infer the domainer’s intent.
pleading ignorance will not do.
Agreed with the other guy. No explanation needed. Shit happens. I’m more interested in who in your company didn’t bring that one to your attention. Better luck on the next one. Nice name.
Mike mann you got to be freakin kidding me.
You dont know of a udrp or trademark domain lawsuit as ceo and/or owner – absolute bullshit. If not, you are responsible as a terrible leader who allows employees to take advantage of those helping the less fortunate.
Take responsibity and mann up.
Every CEO/owner I know is aware of every lawsuit or potential lawsuit. And they are running companies larger than your “domain holdings”. Domain businesses are small time ($500m at the most) for a reason. Serious investors know how shady they are.
The actions of your company just reinforce that the domain space is still too sketchy for big money. Either get more involved and clean this shit up or STFU. Sick of hearing the im not responsible bs from the ceos. You aint that big bro
Either the anonymous posters who are always scared to account for themselves are correct, or they are total idiots. You be the judge.
No time to keep track of $3000 offers on simple names picked up on the drop…
No time to handles UDRPs…
Yet you can post 7 responses to this blog…
Apparently your time management is worse than even mine.
again if you could read or pay attention, my team did offer it to them free, and I have other work, – we have 350,000 domains, its impossible to micromanage each one for me personally, none of you are men at all who are anonymous, you are sissies hiding with stupid scams and most likely I fired you or beat you in a deal before
Last time I gave a domain to someone for free I didn’t have to involve ICANN in the process at all and it worked fine. I must be doing it wrong 🙂
@unknowndomainer: lol.
if dropping names can be screened for ones with sales potential, then they can also screened for direct match trademarks.
same goes for names receiving ad feeds from parking companies. exclude ads that target a particular class of goods.
same goes for names being registered with tld’s (new icann gltd scam). don’t sell registrations for registered trademarks in the trademark office databases.
they can all be screened. using regular expressions or snobol-inspired pattern matching.
it’s not micro management. it’s bulk management.
and everyone who is serious in this business knows how to do it.
because it is at the very core of what they do.
they routinely deal with list of names into the hundreds of thousands or millions.
maybe we should sell consulting services for these folks who claim “we can’t do it”.
it’s that they can’t do it. it’s that they don’t want to do it.
WTF??? Why all the hostility towards Mike Mann?
Seriously, on its face “Lifetime Assistance” could reasonably be argued a generic term for a variety of uses. OK, so the TM holder screwed themselves up and the name got sold to Mike… they probably went to the site and made blind offers/negotiations through the system…. big F*ing deal…
So, over the Holidays, the TM holder files a UDRP… ok, it happens. Mike did not contest, he actually tried to give them the name before that anyway… so what?
Maybe not the brightest move to park the domain, but it happens. Big deal.
I’ve got news for all you smug haters out there… somewhere, in some country, there is basically some variant of TM for just about everything. The whole “pre-screen through XYZ database” etc. is completely unworkable bullshit… that would stop someone from ever registering a domain for a tidal site at (example) because P&G makes soap… insane.
To read some of the ridiculous hate in most of these comments is just sad… grow up and get a life… or at least grow a pair and post as an identifiable person.
if you don’t feed ads for detergent to the domain, p&g won’t file a udrp.
and that’s not an example of an exact match trademark. would be an example of an exact match.
Weird. I thought Mike was all about helping charities. Not stealing from them. Weird.
Is this the ‘real’ Mike Mann posting here? If it is, I’m shocked…and worried for anyone holding stock in any company he runs.
idiots, we offered it to them free, its generic, I didnt know about it until yesterday, nobody does more charity work or makes a higher margin for investors, if you are anonymously disrespecting me then clearly you are a jealous loser and need a real job since I probably fired you already
Hello Mike,
If its the real you.
I sent an email to you 2 weeks ago asking if you ever quick flip domains that youve bought and got no response, which makes sense now reading this!
So as you are here, let me ask you again, do you ever quick flip? I submitted an offer via the offer page on the domain but got nothing back.
Can we have it confirmed that the man posting as Mike Mann, is himself please?
That is correct
Thanks MHB.
In that case MM, as a boss, you should realise that the buck stops with you. I’ve never heard such a stream of excuses and buck-passing from even a junior let alone a leader of a quoted organisation…let alone the name calling and profanity on a public forum.
If Mike Mann is such a humanitarian, he should donate the name to an organization that actually deals with real crime and helping people. Instead he uses it for his own self-serving lunatic rantings about all the people who have done him wrong. What a loser!
If you all had a brain you wouldnt waste it trying to find my flaws, when in fact you are complete losers projecting your issues upon me.
Here is how your little brains work on jealousy and here is how to run your crappy businesses better and
“From a behavioral perspective, the main issues we will address that are currently suppressing world peace and prosperity are fear, greed and envy which follow basic precepts of human behavior and natural selection that we can readily identify.
In fact, abhorrent behaviors of people are mostly like those of animals in the jungle, and cavemen from ancient caves, although they are being perpetuated by seemingly rational functioning individuals. Those supposedly rational people actually have a “subconscious” drive which is inaccessible by definition, indicating they are lacking appropriate consciousness and self-actualization when they act out.
Again by definition, we are saying there are abhorrent people with abhorrent behaviors that are ostensibly “wrong” within their thinking. Knowing and being able to transmit the truth, we will change them, documenting and delivering long term mutual benefit.”
Mike if you get a chance to answer my question I would be grateful
@Mike Mann – “If you all had a brain you wouldnt waste it trying to find my flaws, when in fact you are complete losers projecting your issues upon me.”
No need to look for your flaws…you laid them all out in print for all to see.
You seem to be in self-destruct mode here.
Read what you wrote about abhorrent behavior, Mike. Then look in the mirror.
@Joseph: Again, Domain Asset Holdings must have a reason to respond this way instead of defending their regs of generic domains. Would be interesting to understand their reasons though
The reason is these cases are LOOZERS just like Mike Mann. There is no defence. They have no chance to win these cases which are obvious squats. Black and white, no grey. Hard to defend owning names that correspond to marks and which are used to pass or trade off of that mark. Mann claims he never even heard about the case. Don’t send him email or post, he obviously doesnt read them. Tooo busy picking up tm names
Its so funny reading Mike Mann … he writes about jealousy.
He simply cannot understand that it has nothing to do with jealousy.
There are many successful investors e.g. Michael H. Berkens and people do not attack them like him.
Simply people do not like fake guys who talk around how much they do for charity and so on..
I do not know any honest person who talks so much if s/he does that from heart and not treat it as advertisement for other his businesses.
I think that domain was very generic but I am happy they took that domain from him as I think he wanted to take advantage of previous owner situation.
Mike Mann was many times involved in dark situations e.g. and others.
Many real business people think of him as cyber squatter.
Must Read!
TechCrunch about Mike Mann in article “Facebook Tries To Squash 21 Squatted Domain Names”
“The domain names are all currently owned by a company called Domain Asset Holdings, a domain squatter based in Potomac, Maryland.”
Of course Mike Mann made replies there reminding people that he gives money for charity 🙂
In the future I wont have time to respond nicelt to anonymous blatant morons who keep proving my points, use your real name if you are a man and have anything valid to say.
You can just smell the envy of anonymous posters around here. All so ethical, all standing on hi moral ground, so why not use your real names? Jealousy and envy in the domain business will get you no where.
@ John – “You can just smell the envy of anonymous posters around here. All so ethical, all standing on hi moral ground, so why not use your real names? Jealousy and envy in the domain business will get you no where.”
What a classic….a sermon about anonymity…from ‘john’ no less. ‘John’ who? John Doe? John Schmo? Fucking Charlie Chan….
What difference does it make? What makes sense, makes sense – doesn’t matter who puts their name to it. Playing the jealousy card is pointless – one or more of the anons may be sitting prettier than MM – that ever occur to you? Not that that is relevent; they don’t pick jurys on the size of their bank balance.
Hi Mike,
Everyone will have haters, and how you react to them can speak something about you. I know the somewhat good feeling of arguing and fighting against such people, but sometimes it can backfire if one especially isn’t necessarily careful with how or what they say.
I have nothing against you, and I hardly know you other than what I’ve read online. But if you don’t want someone to argue or point out a “flaw” or bad thing about you, then you just try not to give them a reason to.
It may hurt in the short term, but it’ll all go away in the long run when everyone moves along and looks for something else to bash about. It’s up to you how you want to handle this moving forward, and if you sincerely wish to change how you’re perceived on some things.
I’ll wish you well. As for the others, chill and cheers.
Oh, and not to sound religious but sharing something I learned long ago that helps:
Only those with no portfolios and assets to manage attack Mike. Because once you would reach the point of large portfolio and you would know that such portfolio comes with so many emails, requests, fraud attempts etc. that is impossible for owner to keep track of everything. Or care for $3K (besides Mike offered it to them for free). See – with your statements that not take $3K and ask more is a “greed” you in fact do show that $3K is lot of money for you and you can not imagine there are people for which $3K is too little to even bother with a sale.
DomainGate :). sounds like LA got lucky.
To be sure.. I only post under the name “Dean” and that is my real name. I am sure Mike (Berkens) can verify that by the IP Address. It’s as real as it get’s, as real anyone else here. All those (Including Mike Mann) yapping about posting anonymously are either missing the point or just trying to throw up a smoke screen to divert attention from the real issue at hand. Mike (Mann) refuses to address the real issue and only skirts around it by trying to throw it back at those posting “anonymously” or by saying he was unawares of the situation, which we all know is just bullshit. This is part of his Modus Operandi, squatting on trademarks, holding them hostage. How many UDRP decisions has he lost now, for the same thing? Only this time it came back to bite him in the ass. This is the kind of shit that gives domainers and domaining a bad name. Mike, own up to your mistakes and learn a lesson, next time it could be worse.
PS, concocting some goodwill story with Donna Mahoney and having Elliot spin it, just does not “get it.”
The real problem is Dean is a complete and total jealous moron without a last name, anonymous scammer, cant pay the bills or the tax man, cant make a client or woman happy, sorry scammer.
Ive lost like one decision by moron UDRP admins, out of 350,000 domains, again making Dean a loser with way too much time on his hands, clearly my record speaks for itself and these anonymous jackrabbits cant account for me or anything else, google me and read the facts, and read all the petty opinions you want but they add up to bupkus, and you still being idiot lame anon scammers.
Mann you come off as a complete ass, the fact that Berkens allows this nonsense is ever more telling. It just shows your whole industry as the joke it is. And when you lost the 21 facebook domains ? What was that ? never heard about facebook ?
@Dean…I have almost 15 years in this industry with a spotless reputation. I don’t “concoct” anything with anybody for any reason. Neither do I troll blogs to rain on anyones parade. My reputation speaks for itself as does yours.
Jon, that again is just one mistaken decision, and again the names were generic and they were certainly also offered for free but the system and lawyers are like machines, FB a huge faceless lifeless organization that I dont care about in the least.
you may recall facebook is a stolen idea in the first place and names like are hardly a relevant violation of anything material, all domainers have more offensive names, and certainly my list is as clean as any given its enormous size
We can account for how I behave, and how you behave right here:
@ Dean
I didn’t communicate with Mike Mann about my article before or after I posted it. For all I know, he might not have even read it.
When I saw Donna Mahony’s Facebook post thanking Mike publicly, I asked Donna if I could write about it, since it’s a nice story, especially for a Sunday. She said yes, and she gave me the details, which I used as a guest post.
I am not going to pass judgment on Mike’s business or business practices, but in the situation I wrote about, Mike did a good deed. Many of us probably would not have done this.
@ Mike Mann
In Dean’s defense, he has posted on my blog many times, and I believe he uses the same name for each post, whether it’s positive or negative. There are plenty of people who are anonymous cowards who use fictitious identities, and even though he doesn’t use his last name, I don’t think he is attempting to be anonymous. Some people prefer not to use their full name, although they are not hiding.
Good on you Mike for helping out a vet. I am a big troll myself at times but this was indeed nice of you to help out.
In Dean’s defense… he might just be not as normal as he makes out. We don’t Dean and he could be just a man with low self-esteem who feels better when he complains & brings others down to his level. I don’t think he is looking for answers to his comments, I think he really has issues that we shouldn’t have to deal with on this forum, let him go elsewhere and get it sorted.
This is not a forum, but nice try.
I feel sorry for the Deans of the world. They keep their heads so deep in the shadows looking for dirt that they miss the sunshine. So many pile on when Mike or others when they get distasteful headlines and they only have one side of the story. I know the WHOLE story of my vets lost domain and Mikes response. I will forever judge him by my own experiences with him. Thank you again, Mike and I am sorry that showing my gratitude brought you more grief!
@Dean Dial it back a bit, look at what you did. You don’t know me and probably did zero checking before you hurled your accusation at me. I’ve built my reputation over many years, don’t destroy yours by making petty comments.
What does that have to do with this domain and post Donna ?
commenting on domainer conduct does not have to be directed at anyone personally. it’s certainly possible to stay focused the conduct itself, e.g. registering blatently trademark infringing domain names, and disregard the identity of the domainer involved.
similarly, it’s possible to read a blog for content alone, having no regard to any full names that one may encounter. often full names attached to blog posts are linked to self-promoting websites. this arguably makes any content posted under these names appear self-serving and lacking in objectivity.
@Mike Mann – “Ive lost like one decision by moron UDRP admins, out of 350,000 domains, again making Dean a loser with way too much time on his hands, clearly my record speaks for itself and these anonymous jackrabbits cant account for me or anything else, google me and read the facts, and read all the petty opinions you want but they add up to bupkus, ”
“you may recall facebook is a stolen idea in the first place and names like are hardly a relevant violation of anything material, all domainers have more offensive names”
Firstly, there are at least three that you’ve lost – not one…so yes, your record does speak for itself as does the selective memory.
Second, I don’t really think it’s down to you to decide that it’s ok to squat FB names because you regard it as a stolen idea.
Last point, while or aren’t offensive, I can see why you plucked those as your samples rather than or
Want to know what a smart guy would’ve done re
A smart guy would’ve come on here and said, ‘yes guys, we made a mistake on that one – at some point we offered it to them for free but somehow things got over looked…I can’t be everywhere all the time’.
Instead, you thought the best thing was to blame everything and everyone but yourself…”its generic”, “its ICANN and Net Sol” etc.
Mann it is obvious that you’ve lost your mind. Can’t keep track of your names, lawsuits, can’t stay away from tms and all the nonsensical crap you spew
Understate the udrp losses
You think everyone an idiot?
The best of all though is you chiding a guy about being unable to make a woman happy. Priceless. How’s Mrs Mann? Or has she taken her maiden name again. Last I read, from your own blog no less didn’t give me the impression that you were an expert on forming healthy marital relationships. Who are you to give relationship advise. Lol. Dude you are a certifiable whack job. Whatever meds you are on double up.
@donna Mahoney
Spotless record? Spotless? Really? There’s this new thing out there. It’s called the Internet. Kinda like a library. You can research stuff there. You can find almost anything.
Spotless? Like a Dalmatian!
@selective I found your post humourous with the likeness to dalmations but there is one teeny tiny little detail that leads to me to believe your research might not be accurate. Just a minor little detail, nothing important really.
Again the only idiots are the jealous scammers scared to use their real names due to their crimes and inadequacies, and that I fired most of them or beat them in deals. If they could use their names you would see my point, so again no responses to anon scammers other than cursing them.
Why bash the ‘Mann’? For the 5th day in a row, people slamming someone for losing a domain dispute over a trademark domain just because the case was lost. I am in no defense to Mike or his company, but I’d like to ask this very question: What about the other MAJOR privately-owned marketplaces/investors who have their inventory stocked up with such violating names, some of which follow the same investment practices. Are we turning a blind eye on those just because they were never UDRP’d? Mike could be guilty, but that should be between his company, the trademark holders, and WIPO. Many other investors have lost similar cases… so why do we strike the ‘Mann’?
MM, pointing to anyone elses faults doesn’t hide your own – I’m sure you know that, but are just clutching at it rather than address the salient points made in the thread
Some prefer a low profile to self promotion.
But let’s say that everyone else in this thread is a scammer, mugger and rapist who used to work for you but got sacked…would that make how you’ve reacted here ok? Does it absolve your own actions?
@Abdu – I for one didn’t chip in until seeing the responses from MM. I honestly thought it was another person pretending to be him.
My posts have been in response to the way MM has handled himself in this thread, rather than the actual UDRP.
I know what it is like to work for you
I know what it is like to be fired by you
I know what you are like as a person and
there is not much to like
Anon posters you have no chance. You already know how Mike feels about you but this is how he speaks of his parents:
-what useless cruel pieces of garbage my “dad” Larry Mann, and his wife Pat Cantor Mann are
-My “dad” has always been the most cold selfish cruel jerk
No wonder you are a such a neurotic narcisistic freak.
“A Monkey In a Silk Suit, Is Still a Monkey”
No point in beating a dead horse, either Mike will learn a lesson or he won’t that is up to him. It’s not up to me or anyone else to judge, I just brought up a few points which I think are valid and which Mike is obviously not ready to address. You can only live in denial for so long before life forces you to see the truth, you can kick, scream and holler, but the truth will eventually show up someday. Some will learn, others will refuse to learn, and the wheel will go round and round, so it goes..
There seems to be a lot of animosity here. Granted, MM definitely seems like a narcissistic sociopath, but a lot of you seem like plain old haters.
Just because the UDRP case was won, does not necessarily mean that the domain will be transferred.
An appeal could be made, and should be, IMO, as this is a generic term.
I’d be interested to know whether a ‘this domain is for sale’ type
of notice (whether online or offline) may now be construed to
mean ‘bad faith’, in the eye’s of a UDRP panel…
Can anyone enlighten me on that?
🙂 I think “domain for sale” signs have always been construed as bad faith. It’s unfortunate that so few domaining activities can be construed as good faith, short of setting up a full blown business or registering the trademark.
I sympathize with Mike Mann because I know how hard it is to do background checks on every single domain we buy. Sure, we could do a trademark search, google searches, yellow page searches, etc. But do this for every domain we’re bidding on and might potentially buy? There’s not enough time in the world. And even then some company could come out of nowhere and claim a common law trademark. I remember I bought at a pre-release auction, making sure there were no active trademarks. As it turns out accidentally let it expire. I ended up selling it to them for not much more than what I paid for it (with the thought of a UDRP cloud hanging over my head). Luckily for me they accepted.
It’s just part of the risk that comes with being in this business and having a large portfolio.
Hey Geoff, great reply – thanks a lot for that.
Lots of jealousy in this thread. Why can’t people just
be happy for folk who have done well out of something?!
I always cringe when I hear the word ‘industry’, in
connection with the activities of domain name traders,
but there are winners and losers in every field of endeavor;
no need for people to try and attack them, in an attempt to
make themselves feel better! (for not having the success
they hoped for).
Mike Mann is one of the pioneers of the Domaining Business. Regardless, he deserves and commands respect. I lament the fact that from 1995 to 1999 I was not aware enough and not in a position to join the fight for the most valuable .com generics.
I have learned a thing or two about the domaining business in the last three years. Wasting time on jealousy and envy of the pioneers, for me, is a waste of time. Obviously things have changed a great deal in the last 15 years. Now the first to the trough use the analogy of a “lottery ticket” to describe the likelihood of anyone now registering a domain worth a great deal of money. Sheesh.
hats of the Mike Mann, we should be so lucky
Robert McLean