Looks like someone just lost $30,000 on its purchase of GoCarts.com
The domain name GoCarts.com sold just over two years ago on NameJet.com for $91,600
In a domain auction just concluded on NameJet.com today GoCarts.com just sold for $60,100
That’s $30,500 lower than July 2009 the last time it sold on NameJet.com
Oh yeah there is that 15% commission NameJet.com charges, meaning the seller will only net out about $51K or $40K less
Double Ouch
The only good news is for the 6 people that correctly picked GoCarts.com to sell for more than Warez.com on our poll.
We will see what premium domain winds up selling for more, but for now GoCarts.com is in the lead.
and the Poll is closed
Well, it was overpriced in 2009. “Go Carts” is way less popular than “Go Karts” in every metric.
Never mind, what they lose on one they might gain back on another….with a bit of luck.
It’s good to hear i was one of those 6 people:D
And as someone else has already pointed out it is in actuality a typo, perhaps a special case typo
I have 5 kart sites and this is so overpriced its not even funny.
Get ready to get a bunch of useless traffic confused with golfcarts
and the K version is so far ahead on traffic etc , this domain is maybe a 15-20k max
They offered it to me a 2 years ago. I told them the same thing
A waste of money