In what is turning into be one of the strangest domains stories it appears that Sony Launched a new product yesterday called
Here is the post from Sony blog:
You can check out the nice new logo right here:
“It lets folks develop Move applications for noncommercial use: academia and research and the like. It’ll be available in some time this spring.”
“Sony says the development of Move.Me represents a chance for “PlayStation to inspire new, revolutionary applications in other fields beyond gaming.”
“To use Move.Me you’ll need a PS3, Move + Camera, and PC. The Move.Me software sits on the PS3, then sends the Move data over to the PC.”
Sounds great but Sony doesn’t own
I do.
Know I didn’t sell it nor have I even been approached about the domain. is owned and operated as a moving site.
So did Sony really not understanding that there is a domain extension of .Me just name its product Move.Me?
I’m at a loss here, and overloaded on Bahamian nightlife so does any one have any thoughts on this one?
At the moment it points to a .me page with a nice list of recent sales.
MHB, I see you own domain, did they try to buy it from you?
a good way to sell more PS3 … and have many new software titles free of charge … 🙂
did they try to buy it from you
surely they will try 🙂
“MHB, I see you own domain, did they try to buy it from you?”
Yeah, come on spill the beans MHB 🙂
@ MHB “…any thoughts on this one?”
Yep, just the one…’ker-ching’!
That’s pretty funny, but it’s a very niche application appealing to a very small audience (app developers). You’ll probably get a bump in traffic, tho.
Interesting to see how hardware manufacturers are chasing after the app rainbow.
MHB, don’t sell less than 6 figures if they try to buy it from you. I think its just matter of time for them to find out about .ME
I turned down 40k for one of my .ME names.
LOL.. Thats funny.
How many uniques have you been seeing each day since the announcement if you care to share?
They don’t own make.believe either, and I don’t think they ever will 🙂
My point is they’ve seemed to make wide use of the “something.something” pattern in their branding strategy lately. So for them, is just something that follows that pattern, they haven’t thought about it in terms of domains…
… well, not yet.
Interesting, Sony is so too in dots:$2M
Move dot Me dot Uk et all were also mentioned here:$F7
Mike, you are reaching here.
From the Sony Release:
“Move.Me is a server application that runs on the PS3 system. It allows anyone with a PS3 to experiment with motion controls and is officially sanctioned and supported by Sony Computer Entertainment. Move.Me sends the complete state of the PlayStation Move and navigation controllers to the PC, giving you the exact same data that licensed developers typically have access to.”
It’s a server app. They are not promoting a website nor do they plan to. Not everything has to revolve around domains.
Sony: Eyes wide shut.
Once upon a time, Sony paid 750k for They do understand domain values. Or…at least someone with the company once did.
When they do approach you you should refuse to sign a NDA about the price or the whole sales process goes. This is a good opportunity to shed real light on how this sort of thing goes down to the rest of the domain industry. Domains under this scenario usually just mysteriously change hands and nobody knows exactly how it went down!
That’s interesting & funny!
When they do approach you you should refuse to sign a NDA about the price or the whole sales process goes.
They’re not going to approach him. They don’t care about the domain name. He will probably get some insignificant bump in traffic for a minute, but it isn’t like App developers are a market that’s easily confused when it comes to this stuff.
Sounds like a million dollar domain to me 😉
I hope Sony won’t make a “legal” move for the domain you have. (knock on wood…)
Just in case…
I offer $13.5 mil 🙂
Dont hold yer breath
if they thot they needed the name theyd have bot it
they r not interested
I’m with Tony: it’s a server app, not a domain, so I doubt they’ll ever approach you to buy the domain, since that’s not what they’re promoting. Like others have said, you’ll probably see a bump in traffic, but that’s likely from other people who, for whatever reason, seem to think that Sony’s “” server app is indeed a website.
Sony also files an European trademark for, on March 1
Nestle was smarter and got Crunch.Me ( more on$Vb )
Have you guys ever thought Sony might actually be infringing MHB’s Cos they are!
They are in a way.
Sony is in the process of filing for a TM for and some moron will probably grant it to them.
Filing Date February 28, 2011
No doubt, some marketing team in Sony with no idea about domains came up with it. I’m sure they just think they have to call the IT guy to register it for them, but they’ll do that once they’ve got the press release done.
Best thing that can happen is for Sony to buy the domain of you. The worst thing that can happen is that they would set up their own TLD and create something like
why so many big companies are so unorganized and release so many products and sites without first register their domain names?
@ Ben Wilkes who said “Have you guys ever thought Sony might actually be infringing MHB’s Cos they are!” and Gazzip who said “they are in a way”
Hope you are better at domaining than you are at diagnosing intellectual property issues because there is absolutely no way sony is infringing on this “hypothectical” trademark you claim that berkins has.
According to the site is in the development stages. Sorry boys but in the lack of a registered mark, ideas under development are unworthy of trademark protection and if berkings uses the domain name in its most generic sense “moving” it would likewise be untrademarkable.
It is interesting to see how quick domainers are at leveling the infringement accusation at corporations but are blind to it when they own and monetize domain names themselves which are confusingly similar to big brands.
At any rate here as far as sony goes, no harm no foul and berkins is left with an alt domain name that fewin the world outside of domainers either understand or see any value in. Heck even most domainers see no value in the me extension. Just another lotterty ticket that will most likely never be cashed
About infringement,
I agree, look at vs. That one is still in litigation. The guy who owns Nissan.Com had to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars in court costs to fight NissanUSA. All Sony has to do is throw their big layers in and say they have established trademarks in place for takeover of the domain. Not saying they will succeed but if you want to keep it, it will cost you millions.
Better lodge a complaint now and fight the trademark, at least get record you protested it because you own the domain.