Talk about a killer domain at a great price, has just completed brokering the domain name for $500K.
Jeff Gabriel and Matt Rosebrook co-brokered the domain on behalf of
Personally I think its one of the better buys of the year.
I know the IPO market has been soft through the recession but we all know at some point in the next year or two this sector of the market is going to come back strong and its a category killer.
Congratulations to the buyer and the seller.
In case your wondering, is a domain reserved by the .co registry.
Really impressive domain. The investment community will likely have a new stop on the internet highway. Hope this becomes a fine-tuned, content rich site. Could eventually generate a lot of traffic and advertising dollars.
Hey Hey Nice sale. I could always go for an extra 500k in my pocket.
As mentioned is one of the reserved registry names.
I wonder if this will have a positive effect when that name comes up for auction?
Does anyone know when the .co registry is going to start those auctions? I am just curious.
If all goes well with the (Initial public offering) auction, I will think about tossing in my (Price/Earnings To Growth (PEG) Ratio).
Who knows I might have something there.
Good sale for the buyer. I agree with your assessment that sooner or later the economy will bounce back and that name will have a solid meaning again.
Just the way I see it
For the Set.Top.Box…. ZOOM://IPO
when we get a Round.TUIT.CO
Just curious.
ZOOM is a Verb like Google – Verbs are not Trademarks, adjectives are…
ZOOM is Object-Oriented as you can see because of the OO
Dot CO rain on premium dot com parade !!!
Look at how many .com premium at Epik auction and how many had sold – ZERO
Look at the list of premium domains at DomainFest Prague – let see how many will sell
A lot of premium dot com owners are trying to unload at discount price – what is the reason? are they werry that .co will eat their lunch or dinner
Chinese domainers has a lot of money but they wont buy .com premium – they only like number especially NNN in .com, .cn, .net and .co
“parade !!!”
.CA – CAlifornia
.CO – COlorado
.DE – DElaware
.HI – HawaiI
.LA – LouisiAna
.ME – MainE
.NY – New York
$500k is pretty cool amount. I must say these days sedo is selling the most domains on high prices.
“parade !!!”
.AL – ALabama – the State where the first 911 call was made
.AR – ARkanas
.AZ – AriZona – Home of Senator John McCain and GoDaddy
.CA – CAlifornia
.CO – COlorado
.DE – DElaware – the First State
.HI – HawaiI
.ID – IDaho
.LA – LouisiAna
.ME – MainE
.NY – New York
Strike up the BAND!!!
There is trouble in River City ?? – .POOL
Wow, best buy of the year in my opinion. Unbelievable development potential!
Congrats to the brokers!
…and no, I wasn’t wondering if was reserved 🙂
@Rob Sequin
Many companies use…
a .NY TLD is a good idea that could be able to sell much more domains than .co IF can be bought worldwide
.nyc will be out in 2012
Then I’ll be able to get Asia.NYC to go along with my existing ….just like two peas in a pod — LOL
I don’t think those are two peas in a pond
.Asia (which I don’t or have ever owned one) is a region and in my mind is very much like .Eu
.NYC will be a very good and sort after extension.
I have no doubt that domains like, and will be sort after.
I was just being a bit facetious and “tounge in cheek” with the .NYC — .Asia “two peas in a pod” crack …. thus the LOL
I do largely agree with you on the .EU — .ASIA comparison.
I actually only have one .Asia …. the afforementioned …… I won it as at a low price lot in Moniker’s Live Auction at the Ft. Lauderdale DomainFest in May
It was a No Reserve entry ….and I got it for $300 — I viewed it as inexpensive speculation on a 3 letter domain…eventhough the extention to the right of the dot has more letters — LOL
No Worries !
“.nyc will be out in 2012”
Has Hillary decided to run against BO ?
.NY and .NYC are part the Clinton’s retirement
.CGI – Clinton Global Initiative
I hope .nyc and .usstate (like .Nj) become popular. I own quite a few top cctld names for a certain US state.
Once a few start becoming popular then quite a few people could automatically assume that, say, is to find Massachusetts doctors. In any case, the value would only increase. is still in escrow/transfers at SEDO….with respect to who the $500,000 buyer is, the suspense is really building.
I need to get a domain like that!!!
what kind’s of business do the