A couple of .Co domain sold at Sedo in the last 24 hours.
One had a hyphen and still sold for $1,200.
The domain name Car-insurance.Co bought for the keyword value was the hypenated domain that sold for $1,200.
The other .CO domain sale from Sedo.com was Touchscreens.co which sold for $2,500, certainly a nice flip for the owner.
very poor prices… the .co TLD doesn’t seem a so big success
Buyers probably submit offers in believe that is a .com
I think .co will be easy to sell than other extension.
Though my registration of .co (for example http://www.Breed.co) is something I need to develop.
@ MYLOWCOSTPC “very poor prices… the .co TLD doesn’t seem a so big success”
If you hang around in life waiting for one big deal to set you up, then you’ll be waiting forever while life passes you by.
Great ROI by anyones standards on both theses names.
“If you hang around in life waiting for one big deal to set you up, then you’ll be waiting forever while life passes you by.”
maybe… but .co domains don’t seem the “right train” to become rich… 🙂
Several .CO domains go from registration fee to X,XXX in a few weeks, and the coclusion some of you extract is that .CO is not a big deal after all? What kind of logic is that? Sit down, wait and see…
Those are nice solid sales IMO. I can’t wait to see the comments when some biggies come through.
Nice flips and a great ROI for the sellers, I suspect there will be alot more x,xxx sales before the hype dies down and people move on to …the next best thing.
I hear there’s a new kid coming to town – . so anyone ? 🙂
only 300,000 .co sold so far and just a few resold at x,xxx but none (excluding e.co) at really high prices
the .co selling is mainly due to people that hope to do some typosquatting and to thousands companies that MUST buy their .co to avoid an easy typosquatting of their .com
maybe… but .co domains don’t seem the “right train” to become rich… 🙂 ”
Most people who get rich, do so bit by bit.
I agree, putting all your eggs in the .co basket probably won’t make you a millionaire, but there’s nothing wrong with a few $xxxx sales to help you along the way.
“there will be alot more x,xxx sales before the hype dies down and people move on”
yes, that’s exactly what will happen soon
“Most people who get rich, do so bit by bit.”
yes, but not “.co by .co” 🙂
“there’s nothing wrong with a few $xxxx sales to help you along the way”
maybe… but, anyway, it’s too late, since, the “best” .co seem already taken…
“only 300,000 .co sold so far and just a few resold at x,xxx but none (excluding e.co) at really high prices”
383,000… more than every previous TLD launch.
You have missed the .co boat, bad for you, but stop hating those who haven’t.
“383,000… more than every previous TLD launch.”
ONLY because .co is a .com without the “m”… 🙂
You have missed the .co boat, bad for you, but stop hating those who haven’t.
I don’t “hate” the .co buyers… I only say that .co doesn’t seem a “big business”
I don’t know anyone who would complain about a $1,200 or $2,500 return on a $20 investment in a two week period
agree, but, how many people have earned these profits rather than just “buy .co domains and hope in the future”? 100? 1000? .co is a good business (for a few) but not a “big business”
These are fantastic new sales. I especially like touchscreens.co for $2500. Flying.co could have gone for around $15000 I think, given flying.com went for 1.1 million. Someone got a steal of a deal there.
Once again it is a shame many who speak negatively about .co don’t understand that it’s a business. .co is a business and there isn’t a single care about comparing it to .com. There is no business in their right mind who would want to be sold as a typo or the “.com minus the m” thingy.
When people compare .com and .co, the first thing i think is “Whoa, they are scared about something. .co is an entirely different company”.
Essentially, no need to be afraid for your .com portfolio. That’s something different. But it would be nice to read some constructive thought from those who prefer to make radical (and sometimes slanderous) emotional statements that have no basis in the reality of this .co business model which already has been the most successful launch in history.
Like I’ve said before, .co has withstood the test of time already – people wanted it back in 1995 (and there were lots, but it was unaccessible) and now people still want it 15 years later. Why? Because “co” is a dictionary defined abbreviation meaning “company” and it’s been that way for hundreds of years, long before the internet was around. If some people had done their homework on internet history, they would have known this “1995” fact, had some patience, and perhaps gone after .co rather than burn money on .mobi, .tel or the likes. Sorry but good business is much more research and due diligence than it is hype.
Smells like .info here (or worse)…
Not a good early sign right off the Bat
Most importantly it seems domainer’s are doing the buying , nothing kills the chances for a new weak extension faster than that …
These sales are very good signs. I see more protectionists have entered MHB’s house…LOL Welcome to the of Novus Sapiens….LOL
“I don’t know anyone who would complain about a $1,200 or $2,500 return on a $20 investment in a two week period”.
Exactly my point…
I don’t know anyone who would complain about a $1,200 or $2,500 return on a $20 investment in a two week period
We are talking about sales off a base of 300,000 names. How many sales have we seen so far? 3 inlcuding flying.co?
Given the hype around .co right now it would seem the actual sales are not keeping pace with domainer excitment.
I am falling asleep just saying the word co
@Snoopy – “We are talking about sales off a base of 300,000 names. How many sales have we seen so far? 3 inlcuding flying.co? ”
No, we’re just talking about 2 names – period. Two names which have done well for the people who took the risk in buying them.
Why is it that some always want to counter a positive with a perceived negative?
Having seen some of the .co names registered, it’s obvious that a lot of people are going to have a hard job breaking-even. That isn’t the extension’s fault. There are still crap .com names registered every day by people thinking they can make a quick buck.
Before I get accused of ‘hyping’ .co I’ll tell you, I have bought only one.
by MHB
certainly a nice flip for the owner.
That is the One honest and fair assessment.
I am pretty sure that there are more then only 3 .co domains sold.
Didn’t Namejet have some .co names sell at auction? At a starting price of $69, even if it only had one bid the sale was still double what was originally paid for the domain. Do that 10 times and you made yourself $300-400+. That is a Grande’ latte’ at Starbucks…lol
In my opinion most of those names where pretty bad however, Namejet now has a second batch of around 100 .co domains up for auction. Again with the starting price of $69.
Still kind of crappy domain names, but we will have to wait and see what comes of the auctions. Still, making a 100%+ profit in two weeks is way better then any stock I have ever seen. I have made 100% profit before in real-estate, but that still took years and a little bit of sweat equity.
Seems like all the talk around .CO has just stopped all the sudden. Anyways, off the topic, on the official .co site, they have some posts trying to steer people AWAY from purchasing .co extension as a typo or squatting domains.
Just thought I would throw that out there.
Yey…you guys really should relax….the launch of the .co Domain was a huge success. Already over 400.000 registered domains…thats amazing. You really have to take in consideration that its a VERY young domain.
Twitter and many other big companies like .co. And I just say 2 words: Google and Geotargeting….and if Google likes a domain, thats ALL i have to know.
And just a few sales? Oh please, don’t be so silly. Even I bought some .co’s and i didn’t even have them yet. Sometimes a sale needs time (commuication, payment, transfer, whois update).
So…sit down, relax and just wait for the next big deals. They defenitely will come….
Does anyone have any additional .CO aftermarket sales information?
It would be great to continue to publish this information.
There are either some idiots here or are just down right ignorant.
These sales are amazing. A hypenated domain for $1,200
Amazing. Just amazing.
.CO is the new King. Long live the King.