On the heals of the close of the Landrush application period for .CO which closed on Friday, Mike Mann has put up for sale some of the top .CO domains on his Facebook page.
Some of the domains he is offering for sale include Health.co for $175K, Advertising.co for $150K and Gold.co for $100K.
His Facebook posts says “.Co works exact same as .co but the domain is its your forever and you are the master…..”
On the Domain, Advertising.co he says on his Facebook page:
“”This one is $150,000 to first in line, going to raise price of this one if it doesn’t sell, look for some more posts of great .co and .com names for sale this week.”
Of course Advertising.com is owned by AOL, which has a pretty long history of litigation, which anyone considering the domain should take into account.
The three domains are owned by Codom Holdings, LLC of Potomac Maryland, it is unclear how Mike acquired these domains but I would have to assume he owned the .com.co equivalent domains and got the .co through the grandfather period.
It will be interesting to see if any of these domain sell and what other .co domains Mike owns and will put up for sale.
Mike Mann Just added Bank.co to his list of .co domains for sale at $100K
Mr. Mann is reaching. Dot co is an exciting idea, but not proved. He’ s not waiting for negative feedback to unload the premiums at a high valuation.
“His Facebook posts says “.Co works exact same as .co but the domain is its your forever and you are the master…..””
This pigeon BS shit sales pitch can be used for asia/eu/mobi or any extensions.
So lame!!!
There are many available .co names posted by other bloggers, ask yourself this Q- if they are so good, why don’t they just buy them instead of telling us to buy?
I can show you the Gold, but do you think I am going to show you the goldmines!!??
For all of the .co doubters do not miss my post tonight, scheduled to publish around 8:30pm EST
as with most new extensions, last man holding loses.
Waiting with my credit card for your update Mike 🙂
Mann has now listed Business.co for $200K, CreditCards.co for $100K Boats.co for $75K and Cameras.co for $50K in addition to the above
I would love to see the story of how these generics were obtained far before the registration period for “normal” people.
Also, some of these you are right he does appear to own the equivalent in .COM.CO, but others like Health that is not true.
Exactly Brad, is there any business dirtier than domaining ?
To be honest many of these terms are great, but even respected extensions like NET/ORG would not sell for near those prices.
The only real value in .CO is typo traffic. If the extension was .COL no one would give a crap.
To the normal human being on the street, they will think co is a typo error and most of them don’t even know that co/info/eu/asia even exist. All they know is dot com.
Didn’t the Castello brothers will send you a bottle of wine if you advertise palmspring dot net.
All roads lead to dot com!!!
““”This one is $150,000 to first in line, going to raise price of this one if it doesn’t sell”
Yes obviously is it doesn’t sell the price must be too low…..So funny.
Yeah, that is an interesting marketing technique. If the domain doesn’t sell for a lower price I guess it is time to raise the price because the demand is so great.
It will be interesting to see if any of these domain sell and what other .co domains “this idiot” owns and will put up for sale. hmm…
Don’t forget .co is NOT a speculative domain. I was interested in it 15 years ago and so were many others when the internet was in its infancy. Its been around in Colombia since 1991. This is a logical extension that will compliment the king (.com)as the handsome prince.
The marketing for this was brilliant and so well organized….and remember that past results don’t guarantee future results and this works both in the positive and in the negative. So we all proceed with optimistic caution.
The results of .mobi and .tel etc. etc. have no bearing on the worth or popularity of .co. All that is in the past. Somebody has to take the lead with price determination and usually that comes from what the market dictates. Therefore it’s a fairly difficult opinion to form if you are not a market leader like Mr. Mann, Frank Schilling or the like in the domaining industry. The higher market demand goes the higher the prices.
(Brad)”I would love to see the story of how these generics were obtained far before the registration period for “normal” people.”
Me too Brad, it would be a good read, yet another .eu type fiasco perhaps ??
(Brad)”The only real value in .CO is typo traffic. If the extension was .COL no one would give a crap.”
It’ll be interesting to see how long it takes before a .com owner accuses the .co owner of TM squatting if he parks it, the big boys will do it sooner or later so I would’nt count on the domain been “yours forever”.
Boy with all the new “next best thing since sliced bread .extensions” popping up the lawyers are going to be kept extremely busy for decades to come.
“Don’t forget .co is NOT a speculative domain.”
No such thing as a non speculative domain anymore, this one is getting hyped up as .co for company (and .com typo factor) more than it is for columbia…just like .cm was hyped up for its potential typo traffic
Fools gold if ever there was a case for it.
Unless you are buying columbian/spanish generics, anything else is ypo traffic. One huge sale does not an extension make. Neither do 10 big sales or 100 for that matter.
You need mass acceptance of the ext. Outside of Columbia, that aint gonna happen, except of course for the typo community.
Wear fireproof clothing folks, cause I see a lot of people getting burned by .co.
And with the “big announcement” there will be a small stampede where the gullible and wishful thinkers will hand over their dollars for an ext that will sink like a stone despite all the great marketing that I have to give credit to .co for
Wanna speculate, there are many other extensions that will give you much better odds of making a decnt return on your money.
If .co is the next big thing, why is Michael Mann selling off names like Business.Co. Surely – if he believed in the value and longevity of the extension, he would hold till the market reaches its zenith………
Unless of course Mike believes that the hype surrounding the launch of .co will give his names the best chance of scoring some major dollars followed by a total collapse of the ext outside of columbia……
Smart. he got them b4 the registrar changed and they were still .com.co – Good move… true domain investing. Ching, ching!
I’m surprised that IANA doesn’t step in and stop this nonsense.
How shameful that .CO has to piggyback on top of .COM. This extension is unneeded and can only be hurtful to the goodwill built by the .COM counterpart.
If Columbia doesn’t value this extension for its own sovereignty, then perhaps it needs to be deleted.
Some more .CO domains put up for sale by Mr. Mann on his Facebook page:
Doctors.co – $75,000
Movies.co”…best reasonable price”
Drugstore.co (no price)
Computers.co – $125K
Clothing.co – $100K
IANA aren’t they the one’s that allocated .Co to the country of Colombia in the 1st place?
Doesn’t the country of Columbia has a sovereign right to use the ccTLD granted to them (isn’t this the same country code that was assigned to each country by the UN long before the internet?)
Putting so many premium .CO into the hands of a handful of domainers and holding companies, without competition (however it happened), is the probably the quickest way to kill interest IMO.
The average person knows they don’t have a chance vs the industry insiders who employ whatever tactics are needed to end up with these generics without competition. The whole thing looks very shady IMO.
It also takes top tier keywords out of the market that will probably never be developed.
The did have a founders program where they gave domains to people who would develop them, I’m told very few domainers applied, including myself, but those who did got some great .co domains for FREE.
Check out Elliot’s post:
I know the domain he got its a nice one and all you had to do was apply.
In my opinion the process is highly questionable when so many top tier keywords end up in the hands of one domainer with no competition.
There are clearly no plans to develop as they are immediately up for sale.
I mean congrats on gaming the system, but if you don’t think the whole process seems shady to many others then read some of the various .CO threads on the popular domain forums.
The problem is this wasn’t a “new” extension like say .xxx for example
There was a process and a way to get one of the “old” .co.com domains and gain access to the .co version and some of who believed and knew about the “old” extension put themselves in a good position in the new extension.
All and all smart If you believed in it and knew something about it.
However if Mike Mann sells some of the domains to end users, the resale market as far as valuation will be set and they will get into the hands of end users.
At the end of the day the holdings of a few insiders are not relevant to 99% of the money that will go into .CO that the “normal” person is spending.
I mean there will always be some market for the cream of the crop terms. What will the market be for lesser terms that are attainable by the normal people? That is more relevant and it is unknown.
“”What will the market be for lesser terms that are attainable by the normal people? That is more relevant and it is unknown.””
Of course that is unknown those domains haven’t even been allocated yet
Haters, I have sold more domains than anyone in the world, and I started SEO.com Phone.com Yield Software BrowserMedia BuyDomains.com and great charities Grassroots.org, Make Change! Trust, Relief.org, and wrote book MakeMillions.com, and many other great organizations, so shut the hell up or at least learn to compete.
Competitors and insider stakeholders who doubt you and your abilities are predictable obstacles that every businessperson has to navigate. Other jealous, doubtful, or unmotivated people who are close to you personally or on the competitor’s side will constantly try to get in your way, break you down, or challenge you. Regardless, your job is to produce in your marketplace while all your challengers remain personally distracted by you and your success.
You will find an uncomfortably large portion of the workforce and society overall has a sense of entitlement, wants something for nothing, has no sense of urgency, works only on their own agendas, has inflated self-worth, is not appropriately competitive, and lacks truthful analysis and reflection of their past actions and business plans. These sorts of people are most likely to disturb your trail to the top.
Mr Mann is unloading his stash because the Immerse 3D internet is about to launch in the not to distant future, 2D websites are going to phase out and 3D,coms and 3D domains will be the choice of consumers to search. I would never search a .co by mistake or otherwise and if I landed on a .co site I would not even look at it. I don’t see any future for .co when 3d.com is breathing down its neck.
Why would the invention of 3d internet take away from the domain names that already exist? I mean, if someone with houses.com wanted to take part of the 3d internet, they would upgrade their site to accommodate 3d material and still keep the same domain.
Is there something else that I am not looking at?
If I was searching for houses I would hit houses3d.com way before I hit the old houses.com, Most people would be searching for 3d in the domain IMO.
They would have to figure out that houses.com was in fact a 3d site. To confusing in this small minded world,
follow the money not the hype
I believe, and this is just my opinion, that Mr. Mann is a complete scam artist and a cheat.
In what seems to be an endless supply of the top .co domains, Mike has now added these domain for sale on his Facebook page
Shopping.co $200K
Oil.co $350K
Here also listed these without prices:
I wrote this for Tom a long time ago, http://www.makemillions.com/2010/01/11/ignore-the-others/ I know who “Tom” and other anonymous posters are, the world’s biggest sissies. Scared to use their names when they diss people unlike myself, why?, because they can not account for their own generations of incompetence, lies, wasted time and money and screwed up deals. They are jealous and greedy and dont produce anything of value, so remain in hiding. Chickens who will continuously eat it while I keep working away.
Competitors and insider stakeholders who doubt you and your abilities are predictable obstacles that every businessperson has to navigate. Other jealous, doubtful, or unmotivated people who are close to you personally or on the competitor’s side will constantly try to get in your way, break you down, or challenge you. Regardless, your job is to produce in your marketplace while all your challengers remain personally distracted by you and your success.
You will find an uncomfortably large portion of the workforce and society overall has a sense of entitlement, wants something for nothing, has no sense of urgency, works only on their own agendas, has inflated self-worth, is not appropriately competitive, and lacks truthful analysis and reflection of their past actions and business plans. These sorts of people are most likely to disturb your trail to the top.
I agree with Tom!
don’t forget o.co which sold to overstock.com for 350k USD yesterday.
ps: we have sex.co – so i fully agree with mike!
@Jan – Why does owning sex.co mean you must agree with Mike?
@UDRPtalk, I mean that I agree with the fact that .co domains are valuable domains. The same way Mike sees that looking at his pricing.
How come all the scammers, hucksters and haters are always posting anonymously? Cant be held to account for their own BS? You ever see me post anonymously?, Im always happy to tell the truth using my own name for better or worse. Most of the few people who ever post negative stuff on me were terminated for gross incompetence and then some, or tried to be unreasonable to get money from me in a deal and ended up with the short stick. If anyone cares about my true record its well documented in Google and elsewhere.
I am not anonymous
My first name is Bull
Middle name is Shit
Last name is Websites
The name of my domain is the name of me!!!!
@Jan – They are only valuable if you are on selling side and you are able to sell any. Maintaining them in your inventory proves nothing.
im surprised mikemann.co is still available
@Arnold – not anymore (and it wasn’t me)
@Mr Mann – I saw a clip of you on CNN. You seemed like a reasonable guy with a great charisma. After reading your comments here I’m not so sure anymore.
Personally I don’t see any “haters” around (I’m sure Michael would have booted them a long time ago), as we’re all entitled to our own opinion. Why do you go against your own preaching and waste valuable time trying to “defend yourself” against what you call the “haters”? You know they won’t go away, so why bother!
When you’re on the top you’ll always have people that work against you, you’ll always find people that will nag and try to break you down. Put your energy where it belongs and make some more money!
http://www.makemillions.com/2010/01/11/ignore-the-others/ right?
I am sick of haters, what can I say, they are real, I like defending truth
hello MIKE MANN leave it and MAKE MONEY, i got couple of unique domains in pre-registration time ( cookery.co, submit.co, oceani.co, preg.co – short form of pregnancy.co & pregnant.co are reserved names ) subhash vadapally
I am not jealous. But my question is the same. How is this possible that all top domains go for one person?
So i had many pre registered domains and all of them refunded to me without registration.
Did you use landrush for achieving all these domains Mr. Mann ?
Or you are buying all good .co domains for example shopping.co for 5k and list for sell for 200k? because several days ago i saw shopping.co was for another person and listed for sale 5k in sedo.
I have pre registered many of these domains but even one of them not for me now.
Colombia press release: http://docs.google.com/a/domainmarket.com/leaf?id=1IvxLM6rEbNmK_UbvF6fR1NE8vmPEuHJTjenAkyUiYK8&sort=name&layout=list&num=50
No worries babak if you feel mike mann got .co unique domains breaking .co tld rules then go fire .co registry, landrush started 30th july still couple of domains ie guru.co , insure.co etc doesnt show whois registered but as per mike mann concern every one knows his domains got registered in feb.2010 ( which is something MESSY)
Anyway the best .co domains are for Mike Mann. Congratulations Mike 😉
I have some good domains too. Hope these growth fast.
There are STILL many great .CO domains that have not been touched.
Since .CO is short, you may be able to include it in the brand.
http://Con.fess.CO is one example.
http://G.rubs.co Restaurants is another (Hooters for old people)
It’s amazing that you can have Borderline Personality Disorder like Mann obviously does (check out his crazy rants on Facebook) and still have anyone respect you. He should worry less about people disagreeing with him and acting like a lunatic and get professional help. Unfortunately, it is very hard to treat people like this because they think they are always right and you can’t tell them anything. I can say whatever I want because it’s free speech and all that other crap, right Mike!
Only idiots would post these sorts of diatribes anonymously. I have been screwed over by a bunch of people given the number of deals Ive done and my lines of work and my former trust, those are the anon posters. Fairies and friends of evil bulldyke lynn who are scared to be held to account for their own actions. I always use my own name, have never lost anything in court in innumerable deals and transactions and issues for decades, so what have I done wrong?, conversely decades of charitable donations. Whats your name? What are your crimes and incompetencies? This is their real deal: http://www.makemillions.com/2010/01/11/ignore-the-others/
My next book is on human behavior, specifically what motivates anon fairies, sexual dysfunction?
Im guessing Alex Chip or Tom would write something so silly, announce yourself scared anon fairy.
As far as “rants” on my facebook, I hope you will join us there to share how we are changing the world for the benefit of our children’s futures. This occasionally includes a lot of parody of evil crooked scammers working against best practices and charitable interests, bad for society and therefore bad for kids. We need to encourage only good deeds and works http://grassroots.org/ http://makechangetrust.org/ etc and suppress evildoers at the same time. Also DJ Micro.Man rocks the jams real hard there. Join the revolution: http://www.facebook.com/mikemann.c.o.m
I respect what Mike has accomplished in his life as a domainer, not just once but for over as far as I can recall, at least 12 years.
His personal life doesn’t concern me.
MHB, when you post personal stuff on a publiic forum attacking other people, than how do you think that doesn’t carry over into the professional side of your life? Mike Mann is an unprofessional business man and anything wrong that he feels has been done to him he completely deserves.
Personally I can easy separate out someone’s business life, from their personal life and respect what they have accomplished in business.
MHB, maybe you can separate someones business life from their personal life, but obviously Mr. Mann can’t.
I havent done anything wrong at all, the anonymous posters are jealous incompetent people I fired, thats why they are anonymous.
Mike, your an extremely sad individual and it’s about time you grow up. Your not the hero that you try to make out to be. Looking over your facebook and blogs you continuously try to seek praise for your charitable efforts when in reality someone who truly cares would never do this.
We all pity you Mike and hope you seek mental help sooner rather than later.
Hopefully at least “Joe Fisher” is your real name, for once but maybe I should doubt it. You are on to something but totally confused, study the facts and get back to me.
Im not seeking praise for my charitable efforts, Im setting an example for people to follow hopefully, I make mega millions and the parts of that and my time that arent stolen and scammed have always gone to fantastic charitable works, if you all could only do that we’d be in good shape.
Maybe this is Joe Fisher, a trademark scammer? http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/decisions/html/2000/d2000-1412.html
WIPO Domain Name Decision: D2010-0450
The Respondent registered the disputed domain name on December 15, 2009. …. Joseph Fisher, WIPO Case No. D2000-1412 (finding that the respondent had …
http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/decisions/html/…/d2010-0450.html – Cached
WIPO Domain Name Decision: D2000-1412
This domain name is confusingly similar to Complainant’s “Exxon” trade and service marks. The Respondent, Joseph Fisher, has no rights or legitimate …
http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/decisions/html/…/d2000-1412.html – Cached
WIPO Domain Name Decision: D2003-0767
The disputed domain name is registered with Network … Joseph Fisher, WIPO Case No. D2000-1412). – The Respondent has no rights or …
http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/decisions/html/…/d2003-0767.html – Cached
WIPO Domain Name Decision: D2004-0589
Respondent has no rights or legitimate interests in the Domain Name; … Joseph Fisher, WIPO Case No. D2000-1412, the “online” term “is the e-commerce …
http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/decisions/…/d2004-0589.html – Cached – Similar
WIPO Domain Name Decision: D2005-0361
The disputed domain name is registered with Wild West Domains, …. Joseph Fisher, WIPO Case No. D2000-1412 ( December 18, 2000), …
http://www.wipo.int/amc/en/domains/decisions/html/…/d2005-0361.html – Cached
I’m new to the whole ‘domaining’ world but managed to get:
I have a bunch of others that I also thought were pretty good as well. I have a bunch of entrepreneurial irons in the fire and am always looking to convert to cash.
What are all of your thoughts regarding the salability and worth of any of these? How quick does it usually take to transact? Who should I be talking with?
I had no idea there was such a thing as domain name conventions….. what goes on there? It sounds like it might be boring.:-)
Looks like you have a great list Todd and did a great job getting them, there are a bunch of people on this list and elsewhere are brokering .Co names, most of them are on my facebook too.
I’m not old in domaining. Just a newbie
I got two domains that i had landrush application for them.
I think they’re great. what do you think?
I have a few .CO domain names that I am going to hold onto.
A few of them I have plans on building up, while others I am just going to have to sit on them (or find an end user).
The others I am going to have to sell.
Does anyone have a formula for devising a price range to sell a .CO domain since its not quite established yet?
The best that I can figure is 1/2 of a percent of the *estimated* .COM value???
Any suggestions or ideas on that?
I have a question.
Why sedo don’t accept my premium one word .co domains for auctions?
i have : bazaar.co, programs.co, customs.co, musics.co and ….
They say reason is : quality
But they promote some other .co domains in auction that are not as important as my domains.
Who know the answer? Are they allow VIP persons only?
“Why sedo don’t accept my premium one word .co domains for auctions?
i have : bazaar.co, programs.co, customs.co, musics.co and ….”
Because they aren’t premium and they aren’t worth anything.
With a 3D internet fast approaching I don’t blame anyone for trying to dump the .co domains. Good luck to everyone selling these
Premium domain means one word meaning and commercial. All these domains have this criteria.
How about these on my list@
some jinx ones vroxy.com, worthtoday.com
Any comments.