Lost in the .TV talk today are two of the best possible .tv domains, single letter .tv domains that appearently got registered yesterday.
Neither of these domains were on the list of premium .TV domains released by Enom last night.
The domains, D.tv and P.tv are showing as being registered yesterday.
The domains were registered by the same lucky person located in China using the registrar Dynadot.
Sure is strange how these domain got registered outside of Enom and what looks like to be for just the price of a normal .TV registration.
The .TV registry held back almost all of its two letter .TV domains.
A quick check shows domains like JJ.TV, MJ.TV and MB.TV (wouldn’t mind having that one) all being still reserved by the registry.
So why would they have just released single letter .TV’s?
So the big mystery of the day is how did these 2 letter .TV domains wind up getting registered for less than $22 each?
Here is the info:
Domain Name: D.tv
Registered at http://www.dynadot.com
Liu Ronghua
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000
Administrative Contact:
Liu Ronghua
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000
+86 15999504420
Technical Contact:
Liu Ronghua
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000
+86 15999504420
Record expires on 2018/03/18 UTC
Record created on 2010/03/18 UTC
Domain servers in listed order:
Domain Name: P.tv
Registered at http://www.dynadot.com
Liu Ronghua
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000
Administrative Contact:
Liu Ronghua
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000
+86 15999504420
Technical Contact:
Liu Ronghua
Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000
+86 15999504420
Record expires on 2018/03/18 UTC
Record created on 2010/03/18 UTC
Domain servers in listed order:
D.tv now has Sedo name servers
Domain Name: D.TV
Registrar: DYNADOT, LLC
Whois Server: whois.dynadot.com
Referral URL: http://www.dynadot.com
Updated Date: 19-mar-2010
Creation Date: 18-mar-2010
Expiration Date: 18-mar-2018
According to Sedo’s records it was sold a month later for $18k. The other one was auctioned via the same broker in a year and bit, hit $15k but did not meet the reserve. None of them apparently an end user sale.
and M.TV ?
they will ask later to pay the difference 😉
Wow, that dude ken reg! lol
Many amazing domains went yesterday before enom locked up, it was like a goldrush as stated on namepros.
DotTV has a history of mistakenly allowing people to register premium domains at nonpremium prices. There was the case of Broadband.tv back in 2000 or 2001, when the domain was listed for something like $50K/year and someone regged it for $100, the nonpremium rate at the time, then fought DotTV’s efforts to take the domain back. I don’t remember who won, but after that DotTV made sure to have their T&C give them the right to rescind erroneous registrations. I regged Earth.tv, Lucky.tv and Blackjack.tv for nonpremium prices around 2005, I think it was, and the registry just took the domains back within a few days.
M.TV was registered back in 2003
I hand registered Stick.tv today at Dynadot for a non-premium reg fee. The order was processed and the domain was in my account until about 30 minutes ago when they sent an email that it had been deleted because it actually was a premium at > $500. I didn’t do anything sneaky or backhanded… it was just listed as available. So if others had a similar experience, look out for at least some of the names to show back up as available for registration at their premium prices.
I also noticed that earlier today, Name.com was listing several names at a seemingly random $900 reg fee (or something like that), while enom and dynadot had the proper prices. So I’m not sure this is strictly a dynadot issue.
Maybe this helps…
There was a short time period where premium .tv domains were open for registration at standard rate. Some premium .tvs were still being held back, however MANY were registered successfully. Call this the ‘goldrush’ period.
After the goldrush period ended .tv went on lockdown.. Within an hour or so new .tv pricing was unveiled. This is when the ‘landrush’ occurred. Many domainers bought premium .tv domains at the new premium price (much cheaper but still $xxx) at enom. While the news was just leaking about the premium reg craze, domainers late to the game desperately tried to register premium .tvs at dynadot and name.. some were registered and those names will likely be lost as THAT was the glitch. Dynadot and Name.com were not prepared to issue .tv domains at the new premium price. The domains that were registered there during the ‘landrush’ have either been removed from peoples accounts or customers have been billed the difference of what they paid for the registration from the total from the new premium price.
The names you mention in this post were ‘landrush’ names, they are probably already back in verisign’s possession. However there were arguable equally as great names that were successfully registered during the goldrush yesterday (not last night during the aftermath).
Looks like the .cm fools have some company.
I think .TV has a future. It is branded right and the domains have type in traffic.
A lot of names are being taken back. Dynadot sending email saying we made a mistake, you can pay the premium or we will remove. I have been up around the clock for two day. Interesting that Frank Schilling got involved in .tv on Wed night with regs like Valentine.tv,Rafting.tv,Cayman.tv and more and Telepathy,Inc regged California.tv, Florida.tv and Vacations.tv.
Its been crazy since wed night Michael.
Wrong Andrew, Name.com was actually worse than dynadot as they did not start making every name $900 until 1am friday morning. For example I regged Fashions.tv which was $410 on ENOM.tv and $390 on Dynadot. Name.com did reg fee now they came back today and said we had a glitch and offered the name for $367.25. See now not only enom will sell the premium .tv all registrars can because there is no more premium renewal.
Mike you think I should take fashions for $367.25 it was a $10,000 premium. Verisign lowered everything. Countries like Belgium which was $10,000 were lowered to $630 and no more premium renewal for all premium .tv regged after Mar 18. Now the old premiums need some kind of deal. nothing mentioned yet.
someone has registered also NO.TV 🙂
Shows as reserved
Domain Name: NO.TV
Whois Server: not defined
Referral URL: not defined
Name Server: No nameserver
Updated Date: 18-mar-2010
Creation Date: 18-mar-2010
Expiration Date: 18-mar-2011
I think registered names should stay with registrants .. at registered prices.
Here is my situation regarding .tv and I been buying them since 2000 and own some of the best in the world such as the following:
England.tv, Europe.tv, Spain.tv, Moscow.tv, Actor.tv, Religion.tv. SC.tv, among many others.
It’s all about ROI, nothing less or nothing more. I bought England.tv for $10,000 for standard renewal fee and was offered $30,000 2 days later but will not sell at that price. However, just give you a idea of what a good name in that extension with no premium could sell for. Understand, that name sold for $50,000 on the resale market a couple of years with 5,000 renewal but that was the problem.
However, Spain.tv which I consider just a good or better than England.tv still has a $1,000 renewal with it, and until Verisign/Enom reduces or get’s rid of that renewal my ROI won’t be nearly as good.
With all that being said, the ONLY thing holding back .tv now is premium renewals on names that were bought prior to the new pricing structure and if that changes .tv will explode.
However, like anything else crap is still crap and so in .tv you still need to look for quality names, buying, Y9a.tv I wouldn’t pay $1 for. I think think the upcoming Sedo .tv auction will guage the industry.
Thanks, Jim
Thanks for your insight.
I agree that the upcoming Sedo.com auction will be a god gauge for the value of these domains
I don’t think the Sedo auction will be very predictive of the future value of .TV domains because too many domains are being released at once on too short notice. I don’t know if Sedo and Enom are busy contacting large companies to let them know about the auctions, but even if they are I think such companies generally require more time to make decisions about fairly large purchases. So I think the domains will mostly be bought by domainers, who will only be able and willing to fork out so much money on .TV domains at one time, especially when they will be cautious until seeing the results of the auction. I think Verisign blew it again with regard to .TV. They should have released a few of the best domains at a time over a period of several months.
I have to agree with Jon when he said “I don’t think the Sedo auction will be very predictive of the future value of .TV domains”
In fact, I don’t think domain auctions held by registrars for any of the secondary TLD’s (anything but com, net and org imo) are any kind of indicator for domain values. The only people that bid on these names are 99% domain investors and much like buying a name on NameJet only to not be able to sell it 3 hours later for half of what you paid for it — well, its the same with these extensiions. These extensions must be held for a long term to see any kind of ROI comparable to com net and org and even then that return will surely be almost always substainally less.
If you’re a gambler go for the “premium” TV names which btw — are really not so premium many of them but if you’re investor look around — many more deals available then wasting your money on these names.
btw – I’m referring to the dumb names that people pay $1,000 for on NameJet and Snap thinking they actually have value but you could not make them up if you tried. Many deals exist on drop venues but time and money is much better spent learning how to search for good names rather than just follow the herd – which is exactly what is going to happen with TV premiums. Follow the herd, big high, think you’re a millionaire and be left with a name with no traffic, 1/10 resale value to another domainer and … wait, I hear the dice rolling again for the registries … have to get myself one of them.
to little to late for the extension.
Auction or not… , tv domains will land in domainer’s hands (As it dis in the later release disaster) , domainers which mainly play the “Greater Fool” game where domains become “trading cards ” (.info deja vu)
The strenghtening of c.c’s (country codes) and the advent of new TlD’s will even weaken the extension more…
The problem since day one has been the pricing structure and the uncertainty that provides and not “smart money” likes to invest on that…
eg: british.tv : regged, sold ,re-sold ,dropped and now for auction again
The TV is the Tv and the Net is the Net, yes there is some synergy but that’s all , but it has nothing to do with the .tv extension…
That dog didn’t hunt.
The bottom line is ROI in any business venture. 95% of my domains I have are .com and I been in domaining since 1998. However, I paid $10,000 for England.tv and standard renewal and received offer 2 days later for $30,000. I turned it down because I could get more. I know ahead of time what names will sell now things are non-premium.
I don’t worry about anything else but ROI, everything else is just “noise”. It I would of listen to most people I would still be working a “dead end job” and not being able to hang out with my 2 year old twin daughters at home everyday.
Who cares what extension, or what business whether, Real Estate, Stocks, Domaining, etc, just look at ROI. Also, for those who speak spanish go to Demene.com and you will see many $xxx,xxx sales in Spanish.tv, such as Musica.tv and Juegos.tv. Just make sure you look for great buys in this market whatever investment you are doing. It’s a great time to invest in many things in you know what your doing.
Thanks, Jim
I agree that if your a domain investor like an investor in stocks or real estate or anything else at the end of day its ROI.
The only thing I would caution on the .TV extension or any extension is there has to be successful operating, well known sites using the extension for the values to bear out.
At some point if there is nothing to substantiate value other than sales to other domainers someone is going to get stuck for some big money.
I’m working on a consulting project this weekend and just went through the top 5,000 Alexa rankings and can remember seeing just one .tv domain, justin.tv.
Look at Rio.tv, owned for 6 years as a premium name, and is a parked page with no traffic.
If Rio.com just sold for $400K what is Rio.tv going to sell for?
Buyers can say anything they want in the forums at the end of the day neither sale was reported at dnjournal even that members from Demene insisted buyer publish proof…
The .tv spanish market is Dead, it had a run mianly “domainer to domainer” I should know I sold a few dozen names 2 years ago but all to domainers inc deprotes.tv (sports) dominios.tv which now has changed hands 3 times , didn’t see any future , got out.
I am sure you will do ok playing other domainers but let’s stick to the facts.
Best of Luck.
Juegos.tv and Musica.tv over $100,000 but there were NDA.
Espanol.tv, Pornografia.tv, Pelicula.tv, Camara.tv, Actor.tv (spelled and means the same in Spanish), Regalo.tv, Chiste.tv, Colegio.tv, Medico.tv, Modelo.tv, EstadosUnidos.tv are the spanish .tv I own that have received good offers over the years. Your right mostly from domainers I assume, like the sales/offers on my .com and my spanish .com’s as well.
We can talk all we want, but with no more premiums, expect to see a big jump in the .tv market whether spanish or english.
Domo, Noticias.tv was just bought by my good friend and has some serious offers on the table. If you have quality spanish .tv the market is not dead.
Michael, you are right about sites getting out there. Maybe Oprah will get the word out on here, Own.tv site someday:) and even my wife will believe in it:)
Time will tell, but maybe I am wrong, but I will take my chances on good quality spanish/english .com which I been doing for 12 years and top-notch english/spanish.tv and we will see where we go. It should be fun. Looking forward on disclosing my $xxx,xxx .tv sale to Ron on DNjournal.com soon for all you guys to see.
Thanks, Jim
‘Juegos.tv and Musica.tv over $100,000 but there were NDA”
I don’t beleive that for a second, and the guy is my friend.
Musica.tv , No ranking No Alexa = No traffic.
I am not afraid to say the .tv market in spanish is Dead , the little to none action is only happening among domainers .( Greater Dumb looking for Greater Dumber) an occasional sale here and there doesn’t give any good indications , asidethat look at who is doing the buying?
Nevertheless, good luck.
Hey I can’t predict the future. Hey, I picked Kansas to win the NCAA, and they get beat my Northern Iowa:)
Here is the solution, if we can find 1 person who picked Northern Iowa to win the NCAA before the tournament began, than we will ask that person what they predict with .tv in the future:)
Thanks, Jim
What Alan said:
” I hear the dice rolling again for the registries … have to get myself one of them.”
.TV enjoys as many traffic and content as .IE (Ireland). Not bad for a country of some 9,888 people.
When we speculate we ” hopefully” make “educated guesses” , I respect your opinion and appreciate your enthusiasm , if I remember correctly we had the same discussion 18 months ago at domainstate .com (remember? on re to your Spain.tv and it’s 12500 USD yearly renewal fee)
One more time “Best of Luck” (non sarcasticaly)
You were looking at Ahead.tv and saw Spain.tv for renewal at $12,500 which is wrong. I got it for renewal at $1,000 a year. Got a few good offers for the name but $1,000 premium hurts the deal. Therefore, it will be interesting to see what results for existing premiums.
I respect your opinion and I remember our conversation 18 months ago. Time will tell on what develops.
Thanks, Jim
Talk about .tv, maybe its time HAS come, since, there is “a 35 percent rise in the amount of time Americans used the TV and Internet simultaneously compared with the same quarter in 2008,” according to a Nielsen Three Screen Report: TV and Internet use together growing
I’m just wondering how come Dynadot didn’t ask for the premium fee for these domains, or did these never have premium fees?
I see most of the single letter .tv with a $xx premium fee price tag, surprising to say when even crap names are $xxx at the very least.
Not complaining though, I got a couple of really nice keywords, but I still can’t see them selling for six figures, if they were really that valuable, they would have been registered even w/ $5k-$10k annual renewals.
Congrats on the purchase of D.tv Michael.
Awesome pickup on D.tv. Can you disclose the other .tv names you picked up?
Thanks, Jim
Thanks guys
pretty happy with D.tv much better than P.tv and will post my .tv holdings later on tonight when I get a chance
I am new to this blog so I may be missing something. If the blog post author was the original registrant of D.tv on the 18th why did he engage in the subterfuge in his original post on the registration of D.tv, and why the resort to the fake who is information? What have I missed? Have I misunderstood what transpired?
As I promised this is my .TV holdings:
and lets not forget the whole thing that started this mess off Great.tv
Is it the greatest collection of .TV domains?
Absolutely not.
But it allows me to be in the space and participate if the extension really takes off which it definitely might.
Acquisition price for each ranged from a low of $69- to a high of $18K for D.TV
Yes you clearly “misunderstood what transpired”.
A guy in China did get D.Tv and P.Tv for what appears to be a $20 hand reg fee.
I bought D.TV off the guy for $18K giving him one hell of a return on his 2 week investment.
The guy in China still owns p.TV if you want that one, have at it.
My apologies. I read the namepros link and realize that the author is the new owner of D.tv. I’ll do more research before I post in the future.
NP, I the future if you have a question just ask, I’m about as transparent as anyone in this industry is
Wow, so your the guy who outbid me in 2.tv and 4.tv at the last minute:)
You got some amazing names. These are my favorites:
Fashions.tv (Has great development potential)
Programs.tv (That was a steal for $660)
Congratulations, they are all good.
Thanks, Jim
Oh cool you now published Mike, I did keep everything private like you asked before. 2 and 4 very nice. Fashions I had but dropped as I did not feel like paying the premium. Mike he got a great return at least you do not have to worry about renewals until 2018 hahah. Best of luck.
So did you get 3.tv and 5.tv?
I missed out on all the #’s. I own other numbers (2 digits though)
Some really nice pickups Michael 🙂
I tried to get my hands on animal.tv, but it was already a goner. Now I know who the lucky guy is hehe.
Good look with your portfolio. You’ve got some strong cards in your hand.
You guys are nuts! you could have invested 100k in apple six months ago and have 300k now- a liquid asset what’s ur tv appreciated or earned in that time?
How do you know we didn’t do that as well?
Your nuts. You should of invested more than $100,000 in apple 6 months ago. I thought you were more of a risk taker:)
You want crazy – just look at DnJournal’s report this week – same as every week – 70% or more of the domains sold few people would even register given the chance.
Very little rhyme or reason in this industry… people like to gamble, lets call it what it is.
If you have da cash then roll the dice I say, not a single domain investor doesn’t like to gamble. Its in the blood, maybe not dice or cards but the rush is the same all the way around.
Your bet, my bet or Mike’s bet – I wish all of us luck
BTW this is the same Apple stock that went in 2008 from over $200 to under $80 in 2009.
Yes you could have tripled your money if you bought at the low and kept the stock until now but the stock market has plenty of risk.
Also BTW you could have made 1.4M on the same $100K had you bought Ford at its low.