Last week we told you about Drew Carey, bidding up to $100,000 for the Twitter name “Drew” (@drewfromTV) if he got 100,000 followers on his own Twitter account by November 9, 2009.
Since the news last week, the number of followers on Drew Carey account went from around 13,000 to over 50,000.
Today according to, Drew Carey increased his bid up to $1,000,000, if he reaches one million followers on his own account by the end of the year.
In the event Drew Carey doesn’t reach a million followers, he will contribute a proportionate amount, or basically a buck per follower to LIVESTRONG by the end of the year.
So if you want an easy way to give a $1 to this great organization go to Twitter and follow Mr. Carey.
Don’t forget its still against Twitter’s terms and conditions to sell your Twitter account and Twitter has expressly allowed this “sale” to take place.
$1 Million for a Twitter account.
This really makes look like a bargain for $500K. (You still have time to vote on the right)
That’s great! Having a thousand or millions of followers is a big achievement.. I do hope that he will reach his goal to a million/s of followers om twitter..
it is the deal makes it possible.
The buyer is publicizing for the seller.
Hey Zoe,
Great pictures!!!
I better register some Celebrity Twitter Accounts 😀
Nice Info!