According to a report by analytics firm StatCounter,’s share of the Internet search market decreased by more than 1 percentage point in September.
Bing had 8.51% share in September compared with 9.64% in August.
So you must think that Bing’s decline helped Yahoo.
Actually, Google’s share of the U.S. search market increased to 80.08% in September compared with 77.83% in August despite’s massive ad campaign.
Yahoo’s share of the search market decreased from 10.5% to 9.4 %, in the same period, according to the same report by StatCounter.
If Bing has already maxed out its market share with Google picking up an even bigger slice of the pie, it doesn’t bode well for the Yahoo-Bing search combo coming to a computer near you next year.
Microsoft’s positive change from July – September is still less than the losses by Yahoo during the same time frame.
And, lets not forget all of the TV advertising they are doing in North America.
They had a blitz campaign in Aug/Sept.
OUCH !!!
As I said above these results are “”despite’s massive ad campaign.””
Google will always be #1 and I will stop using google when she stops paying my google adsense $$$.
It is all about money!!!-plain and simple
Why would I want to use others when they are not paying me?
Money Talks!
five months ago, I’ve already predicted that Bing will FAIL to beat Google and that Bing will be merged with Yahoo in 2010, then, after billion$ LOST in useless ad campaigns, “BingHoo!” will be sold for $1 in 2012 to Google…
five months ago, I’ve already predicted that Bing will FAIL to beat Google and that Bing will be merged with Yahoo in 2010 in a final attempt to save it, then, after billion$ LOST in useless ad campaigns, “BingHoo!” will be SOLD to Google in 2012 for $1…
heard a long yahoo ad on a popular radio program a few nights ago..she must have said the words yahoo search 20 times in 30 seconds