DomainEasy launched their domain sales platform in 2024. Sam Dennis the founder of DomainEasy took some time to answer a few questions in the interview below. Feel free to ask any questions and Sam will be sure to answer them here in the comment section. I hope you enjoy the interview. Q1) Tell our readers a little about your background, what drew you to domain names? I’ve been in the domain … [Read more...]
.Art announces Finalists and Special Mentions for the Digital Innovation in Art Award 2024
.Art has announced the finalists for their Digital Innovation in Art Award 2024. Domain name industry representatives are actually involved in the judging. .ART sponsors the award, but we are not involved in the judging. We have assembled an impressive jury panel with a vibrant mix of expertise combining museum leadership, Web3 technology, domain industry insight, and international curatorial … [Read more...]
Squarespace is going private
Close to a year after buying Google's domain business, Squarespace is going private. The stock popped 13% on the news yesterday. It closed today basically unchanged. CNBC mentioned They also point out that the $44 per share in cash, a roughly 30% premium to Squarespace’s unaffected share price. Squarespace was never a market darling. It opened below its $50 reference price in 2021 and … [Read more...]
Afternic Top 20 Keywords sold for June 2023
Afternic tweeted out their June 2023 top keywords list. My actually took the top spot followed by AI and Group. Looking at Sedo's trending list for June 2023 My and Group do not make the list, while AI and Bet are also in the top 10 as well. … [Read more...]
Researchers found a way to take control over an .ai domain name
TheStack.Technology published an interesting and troubling piece on security researchers figuring out how to take control over any .ai domain name they wanted. Luckily they did report their findings to the proper parties and patches were applied. Still an interesting read. From the article: A group of security researchers exploring how to hack domain registries ended up with the ability to … [Read more...]
Namecheap Introduces Domain Vault — A New Era In Domain Security
NameCheap put out a press release today introducing a new security product called Domain Vault. You can read the release below: Premium Security Suite To Protect Valuable Domains From Hijacking & Cyber Threats With Additional Layers Of Digital And Human-Verified Protection Phoenix, AZ - July 19, 2022 — Namecheap, the world's second-largest domain registrar and a leading technology … [Read more...]
Q1 2022 Liquid Domains Report sees a sharp drop in median prices
Giuseppe Graziano released the 23th edition of the Liquid Domains Overview, which focuses on the 614,928 .com domains that are deemed “liquid”. The objective of the report is to present key statistics and generate a debate amongst the industry stakeholders about the fair value of such domains. Key highlights for Q1 2022: - sales volume went down by 53%, from $34M to $16M. - … [Read more...]