Domaining 2021
For some 5 or 6 years of middling .coms or new gtlds has not panned out. Some have told me they really wished they had abandoned domain names and put all their time and money into crypto.
2020 certainly has been a trying year around the globe in dealing with things much more important than domain names. But this is a domain blog so I am going to keep the topic on domain names.
What things are you looking to do differently in 2021 when it comes to your portfolio and strategy?
Will you be spending more time and money on domain names or less?
Sure, you could have made more with crypto. But I think crypto is mostly luck. I will stick with domains, where there is much more intelligence involved.
I doubt it is simply luck, but yes better for people to stick to what they know.
I will list more domain names in marketplaces. I currently have custom website/landing pages for my domain names. But a large corporate buyer choose to make offers behind brokers and marketplaces and ignored my landing page and inquiry form. It finally closed after 2 years.
“Some have told me they really wished they had abandoned domain names and put all their time and money into crypto”
Those guys who bought new New TLDs or bad .com’s wouldn’t have done well in crypto either. They would have chosen some worthless shtcoin. It it only bitcoin that has done well while the rest are still down 60%.
The writing wall was on the wall for New TLDs in 2014. You gotta wonder about those who are always chasing yesterdays success story, buying glotos.com because gloto.com sold for $22k in a fluke sale or buying New TLDs thinking they will skyrocket like good quality .com’s did from 1995.
i love crypto, but i dont get why anybody would be happy to put their time and money into crypto alone instead of names. You can buy a dot anything and double your money or quadruple it. Most of us try for 20-40x reg price and thats easy to get if you know what you are doing. Crypto has been good too this year but you will never make anywhere near those returns and you have to deal with theft, black hats, your own bank calling you sketchy or criminal. My last bank shut me down b/c i did crypto. Anyway GL to all but i think a mix favoring names is best
I already had planned this year 2021, I will continue in Domains, Write Content Strategy, in several blogs about what I like, invest in the safest as Warren Buffet did and does, learn more every day with online courses and reading books which they have always been my best teachers.
Happy New Year.
i will be spending more time researching and buying domain names directly from owners rather than buying at overpriced auctions, marketplaces or domainers.
This is why you diversify, invest in quality 2 word dot com domains that have commercial appeal and allocate another portion of your capital to stocks and crypto, no need to put all of your eggs in one basket.
I will continue to try and sell my domains in various marketplaces & at auctions, I’ll be definitely be looking to move my names (around 150+) to a better parking option than Sedo with whom I have been with for well over 10 years. The parking revenues there have seriously tanked over the last few months and their customer service has also gone down the crapper. NO Help from them. Any suggestions would be helpful, btw. Good Luck & Happy New Year to All!
Hello, I am Sarfraz from India. I am starting domain brokering service through my venture domainbuddy.in this year.
I have many great brand able domains for sale if anyone is interested.
(If that ok to post?)
More development this year. Last year I was focused on trying to save our offline business, we were doing anything we could to salvage the year. March saw a 98% decrease in revenue for us, and that was hard to come back from. I think we finished the year down maybe 60% from the previous year, but still in business, somehow.
So domains were a complete backburner for me, but I am interested in dropshipping with a few of my better domains via shopify and oberlo. So my plans are to build a couple domains out and redo some existing web sites.
i personally plan to invest spam free domain and make it developed by website and flip these domains with huge value. thanks to all.
i plan to invest new domains at low cost and make it developed by website and flip these domains with huge value in future. According to my history i personally maintain some rules before investing any domain. such as ..
1. total history check of a domain
2. spam check
3. google index check
4. trademark check
5. domain black list check
6. domain niche check
7. try to invest short keyword domain with future brand
8. etc.
by following these studies i have also got good feedback . Now i know that this study really works ! So in future my plan is to continue domaining. thanks to all.
yes I will be focusing almost exclusively on Handshake