Domain Name Sales Action 8-17-20
The action on Monday was nothing too exciting compared to yesterday with Fanbase.com closing at $151,000.
The top close was a 4N.com 8153.com closed at $44,500 at GoDaddy auctions.
Someone decided to drop $1,800 on a typo of Fiverr.com at DropCatch, FVERR.com dropped and closed at $1,800 at DropCatch. It was registered in 2010 and then again in 2013 after it dropped, parked at Uniregistry previously and offered for sale.
There were a few .info domain names that sold for decent money in the past that were left to expire.
In 2011 Languages.info sold for $5,275 at Sedo. It closed at $395 at GoDaddy auctions.
Customer.info sold back in 2015 at GoDaddy for $2,938 and closed at $830 on Monday.
Annuities.info sold for $4,897 back in 2016 at Sedo, it closed at GoDaddy auctions for $261.
Magnesium.info sold for $1,261 back in 2010 on Sedo. It closed at GoDaddy for $216.
There were a couple Uniregistry sales from 2015 – 2016 that sold for $7,000 to $7,500 that were left to expire.
Quazer.com sold for $7,000 in 2016 and the company was acquired later by Pluto.tv. No need for the domain name anymore and the domain name dropped. It closed at $431 at DropCatch.
Bimber.com sold for $7,500 back in 2015. Acquired by a company named Enterprixe, they are out of Finland. Enterprixe Software is specialized in creating stand-alone BIM systems for the construction industry. The domain closed at $1,635 on Dynadot.
I remember last year Page Howe posted about Uniregistry expiry going to Dynadot, with the acquisition by GoDaddy you would think that would change and go to GoDaddy auctions.
One name I missed out on as I was busy around auction close was FantasyNight.com. It sold for $3,288 back in 2008 and went for just $182 at NameJet. Good buy in my opinion.