There are a lot of name discussions going on in the world of sports. The Washington Football team retired their name after major brands threatened to pull out of sponsorship deals if a change was not made.
Seattle has a new hockey team and they ended up going with a name I was hearing about from the very start, KRAKEN. The new team will be the Seattle Kraken. Kraken.com is a cryptocurrency exchange.
The Cleveland Indians are looking at changing their name and discussions are underway.
The Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian Football League (CFL) are changing their team mascot name.
There are trademarks being filed and a lot of speculation on names. The Washington football team had someone thinking the team name could be Sentinels.
Chad Ryan, who podcasts about the NFL team located in Washington, D.C., stumbled upon a Reddit user who had done some sleuthing and found news worth sharing.
Apparently the same company that registered and manages the website Redskins.com recently registered a new domain name, DCSentinels.com.
That doesn’t mean the new name of DC’s NFL team is the DC Sentinels, but if it is, one has to wonder if the XFL will sue them for stealing the team name of their squad in DC.
As more teams say they are going to change their name there will be more speculation. The Washington and Cleveland situations will continue to see domain registrations in hopes of hitting the lottery.
The problem with the speculation is that most teams don’t just own their mascot name. The Dallas Cowboys one of, if not thee most valuable franchise in sports, do not own Cowboys.com, DallasCowboys.com is their name and the same for the rest of the NFL.
So while owning a generic name like Sentinels.com is perfectly legit, owning the WashingtonSentinels.com would not be as legit. So there might not be a payday but a UDRP instead. Especially considering that those speculating now will have registration dates that just happened and would be hard to convince a panel they registered it for other reasons.
It will be interesting to see how everything plays out with all these franchises looking for new names.
Seattle CHOP would have been more appropriate apparently for some folks in that area ?
CHOP.com is for sale .
maybe they could not get the right price ?
I like Sentinels for Washington. What are the top names being talked about for Cleveland, would tribe work?
Could careless about washington, I do like baseball and think Tribe would be an excellent choice.
when people go to KRAKEN . COM they will be able to purchase Cryptocurrency and not the seattle kraken hockey team
i like sentinels, but it’s prob too long. tribe also is good, but it’s the nickname of cleveland indians.
this is a big deal, so i’d imagine they’ll hire a branding company to come up with at least 8 candidates that don’t have any tm obstacles….
WashingtonFootball dot com is the new team domain name. Sold for $10k.
That’s the temporary name. They will be coming up with a mascot but now might take the whole season before picking the new name.