It appears Daniel Negari of .XYZ has acquired another new gTLD .Rent.
It appears that .XYZ bought the new gTLD .Rent application that was originally filed by DERRent, LLC which was owned by Dominion Enterprises
The applicant for .Rent is still currently listed as DERRent, LLC, which won the extension in a two-way battle with Donuts who withdrew their application, however Daniel Negari is now listed as the primary contact as well as Mr. Negari’s email address and physical address, so it would appear that Mr. Negari or his corporation bought the company DERRent, LLC.
Dominion Enterprises has won other new gTLD strings including .Yachts, .Autos, .Homes, .Motorcycles, .Boats all submitted by different companies all starting with “DER”
Dominion Enterprises also withdrew applications for the new gTLD’s .ForSale and .Cars.
.Rent appears to have been officially transferred on March 10, 2015.
There is already a .Rentals new gTLD, that is owned by Donuts which has almost 13,000 registrations and is ranked as the 74th most registered new gTLD by
Looking forward to all of my free .RENT domains to take the place of my free .XYZ domains I let drop.
.RENT has no value in terms of practical use
About as useful as .xyz and the GoDaddy IPO
The go daddy IPO is useful to many people Bob Parsons,KKR, Lotta people making a lot of money. I would say that is defined as useful no comparing it to a new GTLD extension.
Der Rent! Is too damn high!
.xyz seems to be best used by Asians, it makes little sense in America.