The domain name has been acquired by the Neiman Marcus Group which owns the Bergdorf Goodman store located on 5th Avenue in New York. has an original registration date of March 1992.
The previous registrant was Domein Bulgaria Ltd. and before that The Bristol Group, Ltd.
BG is also the country code for Bulgaria.
The whois record was updated on July 24, 2011
The domain is currently forwarding to
Now the question becomes how much did Neiman Marcus pay for the domain?
It’s certain a six figure or higher priced domain.
But did Neiman buy it?
Check out the whois address on record of the domain today:
Now check out the domains that Neiman Marcus won in a recent UDRP
Check out the whois address on record of those domain today:
Now check out the email address for the domain name (correct spelling)
The whois address is:
I checked the UDRPSearch database and didn’t file a complaint for but the email address on the whois record for indicates the company may have gotten the domain through legal means rather than purchase.
We certainly hope that is not the case and that the domain owner got a nice payday.
BG says
I actually approached the BG.COM owner some time back as I was interested in the domain. He was after 350k USD minimum. So lets hope he got at least that.
BullS says
That why I don’t patronize companies that “Steal”.
Jamie Zoch says
Pretty darn sad if they lost that domain via UDRP! Let’s hope that wasn’t the case but you pointed out several tracks that do point that way.
I wonder what “Domein Bulgaria Ltd” was? A made up name maybe? That could play a factor.
gr says
i approached them too a while back
they were hoping for around 300k
they started using as their brokers
vincent ko was the broker who got back to me
i didnt bother getting back
i would hope they certainly paid for the domain and didnt use scum lawyers to hijack it
reach out to ddna and see if they sold via brokerage
Gnanes says
It’s a waste of a domain name. Nice domain being used for forwarding.
Gene Downs GenericGene says
Interesting Days – I agree with author – I hope they obtainted through a decent purchase price –
BG says
UPDATE: I actually sent the guy an email out of curiosity. He cant disclose the sale price, but said he was very happy.
So looks like it was sold, and not taken via UDRP.
WiG says
sooo… it took about 20 years for his deam come true
great then!
Josh says
He could have took $100k+++ many times over and made more by reinvesting in just about anything… smart guys these hold outs LOL